Comparison between Theosophy and Krishnamurti






"There is no religion higher than truth"

"Truth is a pathless land"

Aspects of truth

"some portions .. proclaimed" 1)

"truth has no aspects" 2)

Theoretical vs. personal

"truth by direct experience" 3)

"... through observation" 4)


"Contrast alone ..." 5)

"... is not understanding " 6)

Higher and lower selves

3-fold nature of Self 7)

"an idea, not a fact" 8)


Part of "pivotal doctrine" 9)

"immaterial" 10)

Spiritual path(s)

Many or One

"Truth is a pathless land" 11)

(Spiritual) Evolution

"perpetual progress for each incarnating Ego" 12)

"Doesn’t exist" 13)
"Life can not have a plan" 14)


"No single rung of the ladder ... can be skipped" 15)

"the ladder of hierarchical achievement, is utterly false" 16)


"undeniable existence" 17)

"Your own projections" 18)


Send out periodically



To be awakened

Absurd and cruel 19)


"have their place ... [and] use" 20)

"illusions" 21)
"no avail" 22)


"for ever binding" 23)

To exploit people 24)

Secret doctrines and Occultism

Wisdom-Religion of the Mahatmas

Rejected as "utterly valueless" 25)
and "discarded" 26)


"aggregate of the knowledge and wisdom that underlie the Universe" 27)

"your conception of wisdom is utterly false ... your theories are utterly valueless" 28)

Theosophical Society

"storehouse of all the truths" 29)

"based on ... exploitation" 30)


"complementary" 31)

"divide and destroy" 32)

True religion

"a bond uniting men together" 33)

"discovery of man's total process" 34)


"impersonal supreme and uncognizable Principle of the Universe" 35)

"invention of thought" 36)


"Universal Spirit ... 7th principle ... Supreme Soul" 37)

"invention of thought" 36)

Some agreements

Personal God

"gigantic shadow of man" "a bundle of contradictions and a logical impossibility" 39)

"thought has created god" 40)

Oneness of consciousness

"Consciousness is one" 41)

"of the rest of mankind" 42)

Personal self/ego/’me’

To be renunciated 43)

To be dissolved 44)





Blavatsky, H.P. (HPB).

----- . 1881. The Theosophist, (July 1881)

----- . 1966a (1892). Theosophical Glossary. Los Angeles: The Theosophy Company.

----- . 1966b-1991. Blavatsky Collected Writings. Vols. I - XV. Wheaton, IL:
Theosophical Publishing House.

----- .1974 (1888). The Secret Doctrine. Vols. I & II. Los Angeles: The Theosophy Company.

----- . 1980. The Esoteric Writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: A Synthesis of Science,
Philosophy and Religion
. Wheaton IL: Theosophical Publishing House.

----- . 1995 (1889). The Key to Theosophy. Pasadena, CA: Theosophical University Press.

Krishnamurti Jiddu (JK).

----- . 1954. First and Last Freedom. New York: Harper.

----- . 1912. At the Feet of the Masters.

----- . 1956. Commentaries on Living I. New York: Harper.

----- . 1981. "The Core of Krishnamurti’s Teaching". Ojai CA:
Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

----- . 1991. “The Krishnamurti Text Collection & Index”. Brockwood Park, UK:
The Krishnamurti Foundation Trust.

----- . 2014. The Collected Works of J.Krishnamurti. Vols. I - XVIII. Delhi: Banarsidass.



1. “ENQUIRER. But how did this system come to be put forward just now?

THEOSOPHIST. Just because the time was found to be ripe, which fact is shown by the determined
effort of so many earnest students to reach the truth, at whatever cost and wherever it may be
concealed. Seeing this, its custodians permitted that some portions at least of that truth should be
proclaimed.” HPB, 1995: 36.

2. JK, Auckland 1934: Talk to Theosophists

3. “… most people who become really earnest students of Theosophy, and active workers in our Society,
ish to do more than study theoretically the truths we teach. They wish to know the truth by their own
irect personal experience …” HPB, 1995: 259.

4. "He has to find it [truth] through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of
his mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection.” JK,

5. "...Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at their right value; and unless a judge compares
notes and hears both sides he can hardly come to a correct decision." HPB, 1881: 218.

6. "Fear is the process of the mind in the struggle of becoming. In becoming good, there is the fear of
evil; in becoming complete, there is the fear of loneliness; in becoming great, there is the fear of being
small. Comparison is not understanding; it is prompted by fear of the unknown in relation to the
known. Fear is uncertainty in search of security." JK, 1956: 148.

7. “… unless the higher Self or EGO gravitates towards its Sun the Monad -- the lower Ego, or personal
Self, will have the upper hand in every case.” HPB, 1974, II: 110.

8. JK, Rajghat 1963: Talk #2.

9. “The pivotal doctrine of the Esoteric philosophy admits no privileges or special gifts in man, save those
won by his own Ego through personal effort and merit throughout a long series of metempsychoses
and reincarnations.” HPB, 1974, I: 17.

10. “Now I am not going to answer whether I believe it or not, as I want to show that reincarnation is
immaterial.” JK, Auckland 1934: Q #24.

11. “I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any
religion, by any sect.” JK, Ommen 1929: Talk #1.

12. “… this doctrine of Reincarnation has not its equal on earth. It is a belief in a perpetual progress for
each incarnating Ego, or divine soul, in an evolution from the outward into the inward, from the
material to the Spiritual, arriving at the end of each stage at absolute unity with the divine Principle.”
HPB, 1995: 154-155.

13. JK, Madras 1984: Talk #1.

14. JK, Eerde 1928.

15. “No single rung of the ladder leading to knowledge can be skipped. No personality [personal self or
soul] can ever reach or bring itself into communication with Atmâ [divine self], except through Buddhi-
Manas [higher self]...” HPB, 1980: 414.

16. JK, London 1949: Talk #3.

17. “The undeniable existence of great initiates—true “Sons of God”—shows that such wisdom was often
reached by isolated individuals, never however, without the guidance of a master at first.” HPB, 1995:

18. JK, Madras 1949: Talk #1.

19. "Through nationalism you can never come to human unity, to world unity. The absurdity and cruelty of
nationalism is beyond doubt, but the exploiters use nationalism to their own ends." JK, Adyar 1933:
Talk #2.

20. “Now that your eyes are opened, some of your old beliefs, your old ceremonies, may seem to you
absurd, perhaps, indeed, they really are so. Yet though you can no longer take part in them, respect
them for the sake of those good souls to whom they are still important. They have their place, they
have their use; they are like those double lines which guided you as child to write straight and evenly,
until you learned to write far better and more freely without them. There was a time when you needed
them; but now that time is past.” JK, 1912: 23.

21. JK, Ommen 1933.

22. JK, Adyar 1933: Talk #2.

23. "A pledge once taken, is for ever binding in both the moral and the occult worlds. If we break it once
and are punished, that does not justify us in breaking it again, and so long as we do, so long will the
mighty lever of the Law (of Karma) react upon us." HPB, 1995: 51.

24. “… as most people love the avoidance of what is, there is built up an organization with properties and
rituals, vows and secret gatherings ... novice and initiate, pupil and the Master, and degrees of spiritual
growth even among the Masters. Most of us love to exploit and be exploited. This system offers the
means, whether hidden or open.” JK, 1956: 94.

25. JK, Adyar 1932; Star Bulletin, May 1933.

26. “So again one can see the falseness of the systems offered. Then there are other systems, including
Zen and the various occult systems wherein the methods are revealed only to the few. The speaker
has met with some of those but discarded them right from the beginning as having no meaning.” JK,
Stanford 1969: Talk #4.

27. “Theosophy, in its abstract meaning, is Divine Wisdom, or the aggregate of the knowledge and wisdom
that underlie the Universe -- the homogeneity of eternal GOOD; and in its concrete sense it is the sum
total of the same as allotted to man by nature, on this earth, and no more.” HPB, 1995: 56.

28. “Q: I have studied Theosophy very deeply and ...I say that your wisdom is essentially the truth of

JK: You may study profoundly all the Theosophical books; but your conception of wisdom is utterly
false. . . . You gather dust from books and call it wisdom. I speak of a natural wisdom, beyond all
books. . . . To me your theories are utterly valueless.” JK, Adyar 1932.

29. “The Society has no wisdom of its own to support or teach. It is simply the storehouse of all the truths
uttered by the great seers, initiates, and prophets of historic and even pre-historic ages; at least, as
many as it can get. Therefore, it is merely the channel through which more or less of truth, found in the
accumulated utterances of humanity's great teachers, is poured out into the world.” HPB, 1995: 57.

30. “Q: Are you or are you not a member of the Theosophical Society? JK: I do not belong to any religion,
for organized belief is a great impediment, dividing man against man and destroying his intelligence.
These societies and religions are fundamentally based on vested interests and exploitation.” JK,
Mexico City 1935: Talk #2.

31. “But once get a man to see that none of them has the whole truth, but that they are mutually
complementary, that the complete truth can be found only in the combined views of all, after that which
is false in each of them has been sifted out -- then true brotherhood in religion will be established.”
HPB, 1995: 45-46.

32. JK, Colombo 1957: Talk #1.

33. “It is perhaps necessary, first of all, to say, that the assertion that “Theosophy is not a Religion,” by no
means excludes the fact that “Theosophy is Religion” itself. A Religion in the true and only correct
sense, is a bond uniting men together—not a particular set of dogmas and beliefs. Now Religion, per
se, in its widest meaning is that which binds not only all MEN, but also all BEINGS and all things in the
entire Universe into one grand whole. This is our theosophical definition of religion …” HPB, 1966b, X:

34. JK, London 1953: Talk #1.

35. HPB, 1966a: 62.

36. JK, Brockwood Park 1971: Talk #1.

37. HPB, 1966a: 43.

38. JK, Madras 1967: Talk #3.

39. “We reject the idea of a personal, or an extra-cosmic and anthropomorphic God, who is but the
gigantic shadow of man, and not of man at his best, either. The God of theology, we say -- and prove it
-- is a bundle of contradictions and a logical impossibility. Therefore, we will have nothing to do with
him.” HPB, 1995: 61.

40. JK, Madras 1981: Q&A #2.

41. “… the seven planes of Consciousness in the solar system …. These may be figured as six within a
seventh, which synthesizes all… Consciousness is one: it has seven states, or aspects, or planes, and
each of these is everywhere.” HPB, 1966b, XII, 657.

42. “So the whole idea of personal immortality becomes nonsensical when we realize that our
consciousness is the consciousness of the rest of mankind.” JK, Ojai 1981: Talk #6.

43. “Let them know at once and remember always, that true Occultism or Theosophy is the "Great
Renunciation of SELF,” unconditionally and absolutely, in thought as in action.” HPB, 1966b, IX, 254.

44. “To be integrally intelligent means to be without the self.” JK, 1954: 79.