Chapter I in Through
the Eyes of the Masters: Meditations and Portraits (London:
Routledge, 1932, 2nd Ed. 1936, 3rd Ed. 1947) by David Anrias
[Brian Ross], pp. 23-29. Full text of message by the Rishi.
Imagine the great heavenly bodies, stars and planets
alike, ensouled by living Beings of inconceivable
force and majesty and beauty.
Imagine, emanating from each of these living centres,
vital currents which thrill through space.
Imagine these currents, which represent the life-essence
of each of these mysterious stellar and planetary
existences, radiating from them as mighty waves of
colour, waves of sound, which although beyond the
power of human sense to apprehend, nevertheless influence
every particle and atom which they contact, every
psychic and spiritual factor of Man's being.
The law of the Universe being absolute Unity, not
one single emanation from the most far-off star-being
but what must affect, to a greater or lesser degree,
his brothers in space.
(1) Sage
The mystery of Life is indeed hidden in the stars,
and it is for the true astrologer to decipher and
interpret it to his fellows.
To certain Masters whose line of evolution in the
past has enabled Them to sense and see the cosmic
life-currents as realities, falls the task of adapting
them to the needs of this particular planet. Like
outposts they stand to guard it from the impact of
powers so tremendous that they prove destructive and
disintegrating unless transmuted before coming into
contact with the earth. This applies to the forces
emanating from Uranus and Neptune, while the gentler
currents of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Venus, in
the charge of Adepts who have evolved along those
particular lines, are allowed full scope.
But occasionally for the evolution of humanity, the
vibrations of the outside planets are permitted to
play upon the earth. This inevitably brings in its
train upheavals, wars and crises of all descriptions,
for it is the especial function of the aforesaid planets
to destroy for the sake of building anew. The recent
inrush of Neptunian and Uranian forces, seen by us
as great waves of indigo and rapid shafts of white
light alternating with other colours, were responsible
for the world war (1), in itself
but a reflection of the turmoil on the inner planes,
which is to lead to ultimate regeneration, and has
involved the taking of higher initiations by even
such mighty Beings as the Planetary and Solar Logoi.
This occult and physical upheaval will in course
of time involve a change in the whole race. Among
other things, certain chakrams or centres in
the etheric body will need to be developed in an order
different from what has hitherto been found essential
by Him who is the Manu (2)
of the Fifth Root Race. We who
(1) Note for astrological students.
The cause of this upheaval was the Lunation of January
11h, 1910, when the opposition of Uranus to Neptune
was in evil aspect to the exoteric planets Saturn,
Jupiter and Mars. With the benefics Venus and Mercury
rendered powerless, there was nothing to stop the
combination of Uranian destruction and Neptunian disintegration
from demonstrating the full malefic effect of the
opposition aspect, and acting as exoteric influences
upon the earth.
Needless to say, if humanity had
so far transcended the vices and passions which lead
to war, these aspects would not have had to work in
this particular way, but would have manifested in
some less physically destructive fashion, or even
taken the form of some great mental stimulus.
But as it was, many egos took the
opportunity of the war to wipe off past Karma and
purify their higher vehicles through the sacrifice
(2) When Vaivasvata, the Manu or
Ruler, founded the Fifth Root Race, he reversed the
order in the occult development of the etheric centres
in the body. This he did partly to counteract Black
Magic, prevailing at the time, and partly to separate
off his new sub-race from the old and enable them
to respond to higher vibrations. Similarly several
centuries in advance, he will make a change in the
etheric centres in that sub-race from which the new
specialize in the study of this type of work as well
as in the direction of the cosmic currents, are ever
hoping, searching for possible pupils, sufficiently
sensitive, yet able to approach these problems in
what your Western World calls the scientific spirit.
Even before the war, you, my son, through your astrological
studies, were learning to become responsive to the
vibrations of the outside planets.
It was I who caused you to be led to India and to
live for several years within the aura of my ashrama
(1) in the Nilgiri Hills. Here
you were gradually prepared for the work of helping
us to focus the higher forces of Uranus and Neptune
upon those who will ultimately learn to express them
both as Power and Love, as breadth of mental vision
and spiritual intuition.
During this period of transition, when the outcome
of chaos has not yet resolved itself into harmony,
those chelas on the second or Love Ray feel most of
Sixth Root Race is to spring ; this
is in order to assist the next Manu in his future
work. This change is even now taking place in the
United States of America, the horoscope of which contains
powerful planetary influences in the three airy signs,
Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. The last sign contains
the occult key to a development which must remain
esoteric for some time. See Adepts of the Five
Elements by David Anrias (Routledge).
(1) Occult centre and home.
all the lack of love around them. Many have felt
it so much that they have withered and died for want
of the great nourishing force which has hitherto sustained
Others like Krishnamurti, who have been inspired
by Devas associated with the new planetary forces
to assume the rôle of Shiva, the Destroyer,
have lost touch with their original ray in their attempt
to live and live positively in this grim cycle. You
who were able to predict his future development can
realize the difficulties which beset him.
Cosmic Aquarian forces, impersonal as the wind itself,
playing upon his consciousness, impelled him ceaselessly
to express that which he had acquired with so much
difficulty-the Aquarian ability to become liberated
from all need of human and super-human associations.
This ability in itself is only an exercise in meditation,
and no more than an aid to the ideal of attaining
union with God through the entire subjugation of personal
desire. Many exponents of this school of philosophy,
however, instead of becoming "liberated",
will find themselves so placed when they reincarnate
that they will be
forced to learn, first the lessons of physical plane
co-operation, and then self-conscious control of the
astral body.
For the astral body can neither be ignored nor dispensed
with. On the contrary it is frequently the only means
through which the majority of the Fifth Race and the
whole of the Fourth Race can learn their lessons and
train the will. Similarly a repressed astral body
is no acquisition and leads nowhither. Your modem
Western psychology, our gift to the world through
inspired sources, has proved this. But what the West
has yet to evolve is the desire to control the
emotional body. When this desire becomes sufficiently
powerful, a form of Yoga will be given and tested
through a group of pupils, to become general knowledge
only when the time is ripe.
Those noble souls who are capable of controlling
and transmuting every desire, every emotion in order
to attain some great ideal, respond to the higher
vibrations of Mars. The whole sympathetic system,
in their case, is polarized to that centre within
the heart which answers to the call of Service. The
astral body is raised to the Buddhic plane through
transmuting fire of selfless action.* Great soldiers
and organizers frequently take this line, and through
their self-sacrifice become pupils of my Brother Morya.
Meditate upon him if you would comprehend something
of the lofty aims which he is ever seeking to inspire
in the leading minds of today.
* The Master Morya has decided during
the last fourteen years, that the world in general
is destined to evolve through the study and then the
control of the subconscious mind. Hence some sort
of training must be evolved to enable people to accomplish
To those who have already "arrived" this
training is not essential. He, as potential Manu of
the Coming Race, is now making a study of the race
subconscious, particularly that aspect which relates
to the desire for domination over others. This desire
has menaced every civilization and is largely responsible
for conflicts in personal, national and international
relationships. By using his Arhat form, and projecting
it into the race subconscious, through the element
air and the planet Uranus, he is helping those responsive
to the Aquarian vibration to rise above personal desires,
and achieve victory over the self.
This procedure is admirably expressed by Him in Agni
"The subtle body of the Yogi, liberated, visits
different planes of existence. Flights into space
and plunges into the depths of the planet are equally
attainable. . . . Such realization is needed to the
progress of the spirit. Such striving towards perfection
will come through the realization of imperfection."
[Note added in later edition. Ed.]