Additions to Bibliography September 2024

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Additions to the main Bibliography Monetary Theory and Reform

A. Proposed Legislations and Organizational Endorsements

Carmack, Patrick S.J., J.D. 1996. “Monetary Reform Act“. The Money Masters.

B. Academic Studies on Sovereign Monetary Theory and Reform

Bang-Andersen, Jens & Lars Risbjerg & Morten Spange. 2014. “Money, Credit and Banking“. Monetary Review, 3: 65-81.

Bofinger, Peter & Haas, Thomas. 2018. “A simple microeconomic model for the analysis of Vollgeld“. W.E.P. – Würzburg Economic Papers, No. 99, University of Würzburg, Department of Economics, Würzburg.

Bichler, Shimshon & Nitzan, Jonathan. 2022. “Book review: Steve Keen, (2021) The New Economics: A Manifesto“. realworld economics review, 102 (18 December 2022): 156-163.

Carmack, Patrick S.J., J.D. 2020. “Reforming the Primary Instrumental Cause of Increasing Income Inequality“. Adler–Aquinas Institute, Colorado Springs, CO, USA.

—–, —–. 2019. “The Main Cause of Income Inequality”. Studia Gilsoniana, A Journal in Classical Philosophy, 8/4.

Constâncio, V. 2016. “Challenges for the European Banking Industry”. Lecture given at the Conference on “European Banking Industry: What’s Next?”, organised by the University of Navarra, Madrid, 7 July 2016.

Crocker, Geoff. 2020. Basic Income and Sovereign Money. The Alternative to Economic Crisis and Austerity Policy. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Mcmillan.

Daneke, Gregory A. 2019. Serfs Up: Finance, Feudalism, and Fascism, Ruminations on the political economy of our time while there is still time. Seattle: Amazon Paperback.

—–, —–. 2022. “The Paradigm in the Iron Mask: Toward an Institutional Ecology of Ecological Economics.” real-world economics review, 102: 16-29.

De Grauwe, Paul. 2008. “Returning to Narrow Banking“. In: B. Eichengreen and R. Baldwin, What the G20 should do on November 15th to fix the financial system, a Publication.

Demeulemeester, Samuel. 2022. “Divorcing money creation from bank loans: Revisiting the “100% money” proposal of the 1930s“. Revue d’economie politique, 132/5: 835-859.

Desan, Christine A. 2022. “How To Spend a Trillion Dollars: Our Monetary Hardwiring, Why It Matters, and What To Do About It.” Shared at AMI Conference 2022.

Dietsch, Peter. 2021. “Money creation, debt, and justice”. Politics, Philosophy & Economics, 20/2: 151-179.

Dietz, Rob, Herman Daly, and Dan O’Neill. 2013. Enough is enough: Building a sustainable economy in a world of finite resources. London: Routledge.

Diren Valayden & Jakob Feinig. 2022. “Humanization as Money: Modern Monetary Theory and the Critique of Race“. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, 13/2 (Summer 2022): 146-157.

Etzrodt, Christian. 2023. “Positive Money: Progressive Solution or Trojan Horse?“. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 47/6: 1207-1224.

Feinig, Jakob. 2015. Money and its publics: Public involvement in American monetary policy from 1690 to 1936. Dissertation, State University of New York at Binghamton.

Flaschel, Peter, et al. 2010. “Broad banking, financial markets and the return of the narrow banking idea“. The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 7/2: 105-137.

Goodhart, Charles & Jensen, Meinhard. 2015. “Currency School versus Banking School: An ongoing Confrontation“. Economic Thought, 4 /2: 20-31.

Hockett, Robert C. 2019a. “Money’s Past is Fintech’s Future: Wildcat Crypto, the Digital Dollar, and Citizen Central Banking“. Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper No. 19-05, Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy. 

—–, —–. 2019b. “Finance without Financiers“. Politics & Society, 47/4: 491-527.

—–, —–. 2021. “Digital Greenbacks: A Sequenced’ Treasury Direct’ and ‘Fed Wallet ‘Plan for the Democratic Digital Dollar.” Journal of Technology Law & Policy,  25/1.

—–, —–. 2024. Spread the Fed: Distributed Central Banking for Productive Monetary Policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming.

Hook, Andrew. 2023. “Towards an institutional “landscape” view of modern money creation mechanisms and some reflections on their ecological significance“. Sustainability Science, 18: 1977–1993.

Hotson, John H. 1983. “What’s Wrong with Mainstream Macroeconomics?“. Eastern Economic Journal, 9/3: 246-257.

—–, —–. 1985a. “The Growlery: Ending the Debt-Money System“. Challenge, 28/1 (March / April 1985): 48-50.

—–, —–. 1985b. “Response: Professor Friedman’s Goals Applauded, His Means Questioned“. Challenge, 28/4: 59-61.

—–, —–. 1986. The Keynesian Revolution and the Aborted Fisher-Simons Revolution, Or, The Road Not Taken. Department of Economics, University of Waterloo, 1986.

—–, —–. 1996. “The Chicago Plan and New Deal Banking Reform“. Eastern Economic Journal, 22/1 (Winter, 1996): 108-110.

Huber, Joseph. 2012. “Many roads lead to Rome–not all by the shortest path. Comments and reflections on The Chicago Plan Revisited.”

Kash, Ian A., Eric J. Friedman, and Joseph Y. Halpern. 2007. “Optimizing scrip systems: Efficiency, crashes, hoarders, and altruists“. Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Electronic commerce, 2007.

Keen, Steve. 2021. The New Economics: A Manifesto. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

—–, —–. 1995. “Finance and Economics Breakdown: Modeling Minsky’s ‘Financial Instability Hypothesis’“. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 17/4: 607-35.

Kim, Hongkil & Griffin, Hunter. 2022. “Why not Sovereign Money AND Job Guarantee?real-world economics review, 99: 106-124.

Li, Boyao. 2022. “How does bank equity affect credit creation? Multiplier effects under Basel III regulations“. Economic Analysis and Policy, 76: 299-324.

Li, Boyao & Yougui Wang. 2020. “Money creation within the macroeconomy: An integrated model of banking”. International Review of Financial Analysis, 71: 101547.

Loef, Hans E., and Hans G. Monissen. 1999. “Monetary policy and monetary reform: Irving Fisher’s contributions to monetary macroeconomics. WEP-Würzburg Economic Papers, No. 11, University of Würzburg, Department of Economics, Würzburg.

McMillan, Jonathan. 2024. Capitalism and the Market Economy: Bringing back together what Banking Pulls apart. Zurich, Switzerland: Zero/One Economics.

Pilkington, Philip. 2014. “Bank of England endorses post-Keynesian endogenous money theory“. No. 32. Working paper (PDF). Fixing the Economists, 12 March 2014.

Sheard, Paul. 2023. The Power of Money: How Governments and Banks Create Money and Help Us All Prosper. Dallas, TX: Matt Holt.

Simić, Aleksander. 2019. Just Money. Sovereign Money System and the Ethics of Banking. Master’s of Applied Ethics. MS thesis. Utrecht University.

Tavlas George. 2020. “On the Controversy over the Origins of the Chicago Plan for 100 Percent Reserves: Sorry Frederick Soddy: It Was Knight and (Most Probably) Simons!Hoover Institution, Economics Working Paper 20102. Forthcoming, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

Tymoigne, Éric, and L. Randall Wray. 2006. “Money: An Alternative Story“. In: Arestis, Philip, and Malcolm C. Sawyer, (eds), A Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing: pp. 1-16. Also; Working Paper No. 45, Center for Full Employment and Price Stability (July 2005).

van Egmond, N., and B. de Vries. 2020. “Modeling the Dynamics of the Financial-Economic System: Understanding The Current ‘Money as Debt’ Crisis“. Journal of Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development, 1/1: 145-168

van Egmond, N., and B. de Vries. 2020. “Modelling the dynamics of the financial-economic system: Exploring the ‘debt free money’ alternative“. Journal of Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development, 1/1: 169-180.

van Eijck, Jan, and Philip Elsas. 2017. “What is money?” In: Başkent, Can, Lawrence S. Moss, and Ramaswamy Ramanujam (eds), Rohit Parikh on logic, language and society, Vol. 11, Springer, pages 67-75.

Vivian, R., and Nicholas Spearman. 2016. Banks and Money Creation ‘Out of Nothing’. No. 3. Working Paper, EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series, Dec 2016.

White, William. 2023. “Why The Monetary Policy Framework in Advanced Countries Needs Fundamental Reform.” Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series 210.

C. Studies Critical of Sovereign Monetary Theory and Reform (including MMT section)

Green Party USA. 2022. “Special MMT Edition“. Banking and Monetary Reform Committee. Green Party USA. Newsletter, January 2022.

Lavoie, Marc. 2022. “MMT, sovereign currencies and the Eurozone“. Review of Political Economy, 34/4: 633-646.

Miles, Derrick. 2021. “MMT and the Green Party: A GPWA Member Perspective“. Real Progressives, 30 Jan 2021.

Musgrave, Ralph. 2014. “Charlotte Van Dixhoorn criticises Positive Money“. Ralphonomics, 12 May 2014. [Responding to van Dixhoorn, 2013]

Nersisyan, Y. and Wray, L. R. 2017. “Cranks and heretics: The importance of an analytical framework“. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 41/6: 1749–60.

D. Non-academic Advocacy Pamphlets, Reports, Briefings and Books

Bossone, Biagio & Costa Massimo. 2018. “The ‘accounting view’ of Money: Money as Equity (Part II)“. All About Finance, World Bank Blog, 21 May 2018.

Dawnay, Emma. 2017. “Souvereign Money Initiative: The Background to the National Referendum on Sovereign Money In Switzerland“. Wettingen, Switzerland: Verein Monetäre Modernisierung (MoMo).

Egnatz, Nick. 2019. “The Constitution and a Just System of Money“. Alliance For Just Money, 19 July 2019.

—–, —–. 2019. “Challenging the Economics Profession“. Alliance For Just Money, 2 Nov 2019.

Egnatz, Nick. 2023. Money Creation 101: Change Our Money – Change Our World.

—–, —–. 2024. History of Money 101: Change Our Money – Change Our World.

Hummel, Sam. 2022a. “Global Study on Monetary Literacy Finds Massive Illiteracy & Disapproval“. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 21 Jan 2022.

—–, —–. 2022b. “The Bank of England Says Economics Textbooks Teach Falsehoods About Money and Banking“. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 23 March 2022.

—–, —–. 2022c. “80% of People Have a Mistaken Understanding of the Relationship Between Money and the Economy“. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 19 May 2022.

—–, —–. 2022d. “Here’s the Proof that Banking Crises Simply Don’t Need to Happen. Period“. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 4 June 2022.

—–, —–. 2022e. “One Paragraph Summaries of Top Papers for Understanding Bank Money Creation and Its Economic Effects“. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 29 Sept 2022.

—–, —–. 2022f. “Who Owns and Controls Your Country’s Central Bank? It May Not Be Who You Think“. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 6 Oct 2022.

—–, —–. 2022g. “100+ Experts Confirm: ‘Banks Create New Money Whenever They Lend’ “. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 11 Nov 2022.

—–, —–. 2022h. “Ben Bernanke’s 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics is an Embarrassment“. Sam Thinks out Loud on Substack, 21 Nov 2022.

Jackson, Andrew. 2014. “The Positive Money Proposal: The Transition Process in Balance Sheets“. London: Positive Money.

Jackson, Andrew, Ben Dyson, and Graham Hodgson. 2013. “The Positive Money Proposal“. London: Positive Money.

Jackson, Tim. 2009. Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet. London: Earthscan / Routledge.

Schuller, Govert. 2019. “Ons Geld and the Road to the WRR Report. Alliance For Just Money, 8 Mar 2019.

E. Supporting Studies Addressing Monetary Issues

Goldstein, Jonathan. 2020. “A Three Class Predator-Prey Model with Financial Super Predators: The Financial Profit Squeeze“. Working paper 503 (February 2020), Political Economic Research Institute, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Hudson, Michael & Charles Goodhart. 2018. “Could/should Jubilee debt cancellations be reintroduced today? If not, what alternative measures of debt relief and redistribution might be possible?“. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E- Journal, 12 (2018-45): 1–25.

Hudson, Michael. 2024. Temples of Enterprise: Creating Economic Order in the Bronze Age Near East. Dresden, Germany: ISLET Press.

van Doornen, Heske. 2017. “Going Beyond Exchange“. Economic Questions, Blog of the Young Scholars Initiative, 15 May 2017.

F. Journalistic Articles Addressing Monetary Reform

Daneke, Gregory A. 2023. “When Wank Became Swank: Money, Banking, and The Evolution of the All-Debt Economy“. Medium, 31 Aug 2023.

Hockett, Robert. 2020. “Digital Greenbacks“. Forbes, 17 May 2020.

Kummer, Larry. 2012. “The lost history of money: An antidote to the myths“. Fabius Maximus Web Site, 12 Dec 2012.

Murphy, Richard. 2024. “Central bankers on their ability of banks to create money out of thin air“. Funding the Future, 6 Jan 2024.

Ongweso Jr, Edward. 2023. “Saule Omarova’s Plan to Remake the Financial System“. Dissent, Fall 2023.

Switzer, Howard. 2018. “Weaving a Unifying Narrative: The Money Thread“. Green Horizon, 15/36: 4-6.

G. Educational and Promotional Videos

Dietz, Rob, Herman Daly, and Dan O’Neill. 2019. Enough is enough: Building a sustainable economy in a world of finite resources. Video.

Funny Money. 2023. “Decolonizing International Economy: Featuring Fadhel Kabou“. Funny Money YouTube Channel. 25 Aug 2023.

Schularick, Moritz. 2021. “Central Bank Balance Sheets and the Macroeconomy: 1587-2020“. Paris School of Economics on YouTube, 31 May 2021.

Tily, Geoff. 2016. “Academics and civil society clash on money“. Policy Research in Macroeconomics, 18 July 2016.

H. Other Relevant Background Studies

Blyth, Mark. 2013. Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Chang, Ha-Joon. 2002. Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective. London: Anthem Press.

Chwieroth, Jeffrey. 2010. Capital Ideas: The IMF and the Rise of Financial Liberalization. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Domhoff, G william. 1967-2023. Who Rules America? 8 Editions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall

—–, —–. 2005. “The Four Networks Theory of Power: A Theoretical Home for Power Structure Research“. Who Rules America Website.

Edwards, Sebastian. 2019. American Default: The Untold Story of FDR, the Supreme Court, and the Battle over Gold. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Eichengreen, Barry. 2019. Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Ferguson, Niall, et al. 2023. “The Safety Net: Central Bank Balance Sheets and Financial Crises, 1587-2020“. Hoover Institution, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 3 Feb 2023.

Ferguson, Niall & Andreas Schaab & Moritz Schularick. 2015. “Central bank balance sheets: expansion and reduction since 1900“. CESifo Working Paper, No. 5379, Center for Economic Studies and ifo Institute (CESifo), Munich.

Good, Aaron. 2022. American Exception: Empire and the Deep State. Ashland, OR: Blackstone Publishing.

Hochschild , Adam. 2023. American Midnight: The Great War, a Violent Peace, and Democracy’s Forgotten Crisis. Boston, MA: Mariner Books.

Hülsmann, Jörg Guido. 2014. “Fiat money and the distribution of incomes and wealth.” In: The Fed at One Hundred: A Critical View on the Federal Reserve System. Cham, Switzerland: Springer: 127-138.

Kentikelenis, Alexandros & Thomas Stubbs. 2023. A Thousand Cuts: Social Protection in the Age of Austerity. Oxford: Oxford UP.

Lowenstein, Roger. 2023. Ways and Means: Lincoln and His Cabinet and the Financing of the Civil War. London & New York: Penguin Books

Maher, Stephen and Scott Aquanno. 2024. The Fall and Rise of American Finance: From JP Morgan to Blackrock. London & New York; Verso.

Marx, Karl. “Comments on James Mill, Éléments D’économie Politique“. Collected Works.

Mattei, Clara. 2022. The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

McCoy, Alfred. 2017. In the Shadows of the American Century: The Rise and Decline of US Global Power. Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Phillips, Peter. 2018. Giants: The Global Elite. New York: Seven Stories Press

Phillips, Peter. 2024. Titans of Capital: How Concentrated Wealth Threatens Humanity. New York: Seven Stories Press.

Shermer, Ellie. 2021. Indentured Student: How Government-Guaranteed Loans Left Generations Drowning in College Debt.  Chapel Hill, NC: University Press of North Carolina.

Schularick, Moritz and Alan M. Taylor. 2012. “Credit Booms Gone Bust: Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles, and Financial Crises, 1870-2008”. American Economic Review, 102/2: 1029-61.

Scott, Brett. 2022. Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto, and the War for Our Wallets. New York: Harper Business.

Sokona et al. 2023. Just Transition: A Climate, Energy and Development Vision for Africa. Independent Expert Group on Just Transition and Development.

Taylor, Yamagata. 2021. Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership. Chapel Hill, NC: University Press of North Carolina.

Tooze, Adam. 2008. The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy. London & New York: Penguin Books

—–, —–. 2015. The Deluge: The Great War, America and the Remaking of the Global Order, 1916-1931. London & New York: Penguin Books

—–, —–. 2018. Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World. London & New York: Penguin Books

—–, —–. 2021. Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World’s Economy. London & New York: Penguin Books

White, Richard. 2017. The Republic for Which It Stands: The United States during Reconstruction and the Gilded Age, 1865-1896. Oxford: Oxford UP.

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