The leading questions of this presentation are: How do Theosophy and Krishnamurti perceive each other? How are their teachings related? Based on primary sources and notes from discussions, I will present a wide spectrum of possible answers as a contribution to an ongoing discussion. CONTENT Introduction Theosophical Perceptions on Krishnamurti Perceptions of World Teacher … Continue reading “Theosophy and Krishnamurti: Harmonies and Tensions”
Author: Govert Schuller
Two Theosophical Views on Krishnamurti: One Sympathetic, One Critical
CONTENTS [Article in pdf] Introduction Context of Discovery Analysis I: The Sympathetic Theosophical View Analysis II: The Critical Theosophical View The Sympathetic and Critical Views Interpreting Each Other First strategy Second Strategy Specific Questions and Answers What was K’s … Continue reading “Two Theosophical Views on Krishnamurti: One Sympathetic, One Critical”
On Money: The Libra versus Sovereignty
A US-based progressive monthly, The Nation, just published an article about the Libra by MMT enthusiast Rohan Grey, titled: “Facebook Wants Its Own Currency. That Should Scare Us All. Instead of embracing Facebook’s Libra, we should be rallying for a public option for digital currency.” This is an interesting article and deserves close scrutiny for several … Continue reading “On Money: The Libra versus Sovereignty”
An Intermediary, Weighted List of Best Studies
Introduction This is an intermediary, weighted bibliography of best studies in monetary theory and reform. It is based on the opinion of a group of experts and is meant for advanced students ready for in-depth studies. The list is composed of about 65 items split into 1) a TOP 15 of studies receiving the highest … Continue reading “An Intermediary, Weighted List of Best Studies”
Additions to Bibliography July 2019
This is a list with bibliographic additions to the extensive bibliography, alphabetized and categorized under Academic Sources, MMT Issue, Advocacy, Supporting Studies, Articles, Videos and Background Studies. Academic Sources Brunner, Karl.1966. “The Role of Money and Monetary Policy“. Federal Reserve Bank. Research Department. Also in: Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 50 (July): 8-24. Dutraive, Véronique … Continue reading “Additions to Bibliography July 2019”
Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism
Introduction In 2011 I took a sociology class on global social problems. Three texts were required and one of them, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism by Richard Robbins, stood out in several ways. The book was very rich in information with many on-the-ground narratives. It had a simple but effective overarching theory; … Continue reading “Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism”
Richard Wolff’s Trajectory beyond MMT into SMR
Introduction Recently I watched two episodes of the progressive Thom Hartmann Program in which the host discussed banking and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) with the Marxist economist Richard Wolff [1, 2]. Following are the pertinent points I came away with, which developed into a little article, in which I will try to make the case … Continue reading “Richard Wolff’s Trajectory beyond MMT into SMR”
On Money: Postal Financial Services
The social democratic wing of the US Democratic Party is floating two important proposals: 1) provide financial services through the wide network of postal offices to the so-called ‘unbanked and underbanked’ population; and 2) cap interest rates at 15% [6]. Both proposals have connections with monetary reform. The Kucinich NEED Act caps interest rates … Continue reading “On Money: Postal Financial Services”
Dutch Report on Money and Debt and its Reception by Ons Geld
On January 17, 2019, a research institute of the Dutch government, The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR), offered its report on banking and money-creation to the Dutch government [1]. The report was commissioned by the government after a motion in the Dutch parliament in March 2016 during a debate, which itself was triggered … Continue reading “Dutch Report on Money and Debt and its Reception by Ons Geld”
Ons Geld and the Road to the WRR Report
Ons Geld (Our Money) is a Dutch foundation promoting sovereign monetary reform. Its motto is “Money Creation for the General Welfare” and proposes four changes to the current, dysfunctional money system, which proposal is basically the same as what for example The American Monetary Institute [1] and The Alliance for Just Money [2] propose in the … Continue reading “Ons Geld and the Road to the WRR Report”