Human Causes of the Economic Crisis and Spiritual Solutions

A Seeker Speaks / Thursday, November 27, 2008 / Steve Larsen In recent months, we have seen unprecedented upheavals the US as well as the global economy. Big banks have fallen, as have insurance companies and brokerage companies followed by huge losses in the stock market. It is estimated US citizens have lost over a … Continue reading “Human Causes of the Economic Crisis and Spiritual Solutions”

Paying for the Green New Deal

Open Letter by Nick Egnatz to US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14). Dear Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, You have proposed an individual income tax rate of 70% on earnings in access of $10 million per year. This to fund a proposed progressive agenda of transitioning to clean renewable energy, expanded Medicare for All and tuition free public university … Continue reading “Paying for the Green New Deal”

Introduction to the Problem with Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

By Govert Schuller. The Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) school is perceived sometimes as representing the ideas of the New Currency Theory (NCT) school so named by the eminent German economic sociologist and monetary reform theorist Joseph Huber. Huber, though admitting overlaps between the two theories, thinks the actual differences have profound consequences both at the theoretical … Continue reading “Introduction to the Problem with Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)”

Re-proportioning the US Senate: Back to a 1780 Fairness

The following is an exercise in calculating proportions of senators per amount of citizens in the USA. I will be comparing the smallest and largest states in the years 1780 and 2010. My conclusion is that the system is out of balance and propose a possible redress. According to the 1780 census the smallest state … Continue reading “Re-proportioning the US Senate: Back to a 1780 Fairness”

On Trump: Some Thoughts on the Anonymous NYT Op-ed

On September 5 The New York Times took the unprecedented step to publish an anonymous opinion piece titled “I am a Part of the Resistance in the Trump Administration“.  According to the NYT the op-ed was written by a “senior official in the Trump administration“, who claims that there is an organized ‘resistance’ operating at the … Continue reading “On Trump: Some Thoughts on the Anonymous NYT Op-ed”

Labor Day and Monetary Reform

Labor Day might be the appropriate day to confirm the establishment of an activist organization promoting economic and social justice by reforming the US monetary system. Its name is the Alliance for Just Money. The goal is to bring the money system back under sovereign, constitutional control away from the commercial banks which have abused their … Continue reading “Labor Day and Monetary Reform”

Modeling the Financial-Economic System and how to make it Sustainable

Two economic researchers, van Egmond and de Vries, at the Sustainable Finance Lab (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands) developed a dynamics model in which the financial system is explicitly included. Their working paper is titled “Dynamics of a Sustainable Financial-Economic System”[1] and it also addresses a sovereign monetary system. After Yamaguchi in 2010 [2] and … Continue reading “Modeling the Financial-Economic System and how to make it Sustainable”

Alliance for Just Money

INTRODUCTION A new organization focusing on sovereign monetary reform has been established. Its name is the Alliance for Just Money and it grew organically out of the American Monetary Institute, with which it is allied. On the fifteenth of July, 2018, the founding meeting of the new organization took place.  Articles of incorporation, by-laws, mission statement and guiding … Continue reading “Alliance for Just Money”

Trump crossed the Rubicon, but let’s stay positive

About a year ago I thought it very probable that Trump would vacate his position before 18 months of his presidency would have elapsed. I did not make a big announcement of that combined prediction and hope, but still shared it with a few friends. Many times I thought it was getting close but then … Continue reading “Trump crossed the Rubicon, but let’s stay positive”

The MH17 Tragedy: Update on Findings

Today it is four years ago that flight MH17 was shot down over the Ukraine killing all 15 crew and 283 passengers on board. Because 193 of the passengers were Dutch the Dutch government was given the lead to investigate its cause. First they established that it was a BUK surface-to-air missile which caused the … Continue reading “The MH17 Tragedy: Update on Findings”