On Trump: The Tasaroff Doctrine Trumps the Goldwater Rule

  For those who are concerned about the appropriateness of using psychiatric diagnostic tools to assess the mental fitness and dangerousness of President Trump the following: It apparently is totally legitimate, even legally required, for mental health professionals to warn targeted people and society at large for the dangers a troubled person or group of … Continue reading “On Trump: The Tasaroff Doctrine Trumps the Goldwater Rule”

In Memory of Stephen Zarlenga

Dear friends of the monetary reform cause, Last April 25 Stephen Zarlenga, the founder and director of the American Monetary Institute,  passed away at his residence in Palatine, Illinois. He was cremated in a private ceremony at Elegy Cremation and Memorial Services, Arlington Heights, Illinois. His friends are organizing a memorial event, details of which … Continue reading “In Memory of Stephen Zarlenga”

On Trump: Towards An Understanding Of Why Republicans Have Switched Off Their Critical Faculties

  At the average rate of 4.88 lies a day [1] the current US president during his first 100 days in office has disgraced his office and further besmirched the international reputation of the US. Lie by lie he has walled himself in and lost credibility in the eyes of most sane and rational people. … Continue reading “On Trump: Towards An Understanding Of Why Republicans Have Switched Off Their Critical Faculties”

Trump and the Deep State / The Koch Brothers’ New Brand

  Just read new and updated forewords to two important book-length studies about power in the US. Both were updated to put their considerable investigations in connection with the new Trump administration. The first book is by Prof. Peter Dale Scott, co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies program at UC Berkeley. He wrote a … Continue reading “Trump and the Deep State / The Koch Brothers’ New Brand”

On Trump: Against Normalization: The Lesson of the “Munich Post” by Ron Rosenbaum

  I consider Ron Rosenbaum as one of America’s best and most entertaining journalistic writers. For me memorable articles include the ones on Watergate, the CIA mole-hunt and a few articles about Yale’s semi-secret senior society Skull and Bones.[1] He also wrote a fascinating study, Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil, … Continue reading “On Trump: Against Normalization: The Lesson of the “Munich Post” by Ron Rosenbaum”

On Trump: “Trump’s New World Order”

It is interesting to see how delusional and divided the far right is in the US. First of all I consider the far right that faction of the conservative movement which is authoritarian. This is the faction composed of people who have become intolerant of certain social and cultural differences and tend to exaggerate dangers, … Continue reading “On Trump: “Trump’s New World Order””

On Trump: US Lying Its Way to War (again)?

  The recent January 29, 2017 missile test by Iran is not in violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions as many members of congress and certain media claim. The 2015 Iran nuclear agreement has no binding provisions about missile tests. Before the day of implementation of the agreement on January 2016 the Iranians were … Continue reading “On Trump: US Lying Its Way to War (again)?”

Breitbart’s Yiannopoulos’ Sexist Nonsense

Alt-right ideologue and vocal Trump supporter Milo Yiannopoulos just wrote a gem of a sexist piece for Breitbart asking for a cap of 5-10% for females to enter STEM studies (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). He is concerned that if female participation would be above that level society would be “giving in to ideology and social engineering, … Continue reading “Breitbart’s Yiannopoulos’ Sexist Nonsense”

On Trump: The Steele Report Echoing the Golitsyn Deception?

Ten days before the inauguration of Trump an anonymous bombshell intelligence report was published by Buzzfeed.[1] The report, written by former British MI6 agent and Russia expert Christopher Steele, alleges that 1) Russian intelligence has compromising material on Trump gathered when he visited Leningrad and Moscow a few years ago; 2) there were extensive and … Continue reading “On Trump: The Steele Report Echoing the Golitsyn Deception?”

On Trump: Why We Should not Normalize Trump

  In December 2016 I found online a list of 76 proven lies by Trump and read them all. The list is named “Donald Trump’s Bullshitopedia: An Ever Expanding Catalog Of Lies”.[1] The list is a good reminder that Trump is a pathological liar. I am not just saying that to bash Trump, but to make … Continue reading “On Trump: Why We Should not Normalize Trump”