© Peter Edel, 2020 The Dutch King, the Prime Minister, and a Minister associated themselves withan anti-democrat who financed right-wing extremists. At the beginning of June of this year, a tradition was missing: the Bilderberg conference. The annual gathering of the elite from politics, business, the media and science has been postponed for the time … Continue reading “Bilderberg, Beyond the Taboo”
Category: Parapolitics
On Trump: More on Alex Jones
Into the Grove In quite some ways the following is an instructive story. In July 2000 Alex Jones, Mike Hanson and British journalist Jon Ronson infiltrated the yearly Bohemian Grove gathering of very wealthy and well-connected people just north of San Francisco. They dressed up as preppy, casual CEOs and slipped into the estate … Continue reading “On Trump: More on Alex Jones”
Talking about Borders
Often maps can convey ideas better than words. One example is this terrific map I recently found illustrating the geographical dimension of the ‘Trilateral West’ or ‘North-Western Triad’, which is composed of the three economic power houses, Japan, the US and the EU, including some of its loyal satellites like South Korea, Australia, New … Continue reading “Talking about Borders”
Trump and the Deep State / The Koch Brothers’ New Brand
Just read new and updated forewords to two important book-length studies about power in the US. Both were updated to put their considerable investigations in connection with the new Trump administration. The first book is by Prof. Peter Dale Scott, co-founder of the Peace and Conflict Studies program at UC Berkeley. He wrote a … Continue reading “Trump and the Deep State / The Koch Brothers’ New Brand”
On Trump: The Steele Report Echoing the Golitsyn Deception?
Ten days before the inauguration of Trump an anonymous bombshell intelligence report was published by Buzzfeed.[1] The report, written by former British MI6 agent and Russia expert Christopher Steele, alleges that 1) Russian intelligence has compromising material on Trump gathered when he visited Leningrad and Moscow a few years ago; 2) there were extensive … Continue reading “On Trump: The Steele Report Echoing the Golitsyn Deception?”
The Controlled Demolition of WTC 1, 2, 7 and of its Official Explanation
In less time than the duration between American Airline Flight 11 crashing into World Trade Center One on September 11, 2001, and its total collapse 102 minutes later, one can experience the controlled demolition of the official version presented by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of how the collapse allegedly happened through … Continue reading “The Controlled Demolition of WTC 1, 2, 7 and of its Official Explanation”
Bilderberg 2014: A Secretive Elite Wonders if Privacy Exists
If you are interested in studying parapolitics–i.e. the practice of attaining political ends through secrecy and covert operations by intelligence agencies, think tanks and private networks (Scott)–there might be no better group to look into as the “Bilderberg”, the annual three-day conference in which the cream of the crop of the Atlantic power elite … Continue reading “Bilderberg 2014: A Secretive Elite Wonders if Privacy Exists”
Entertaining, Type-II Error-prone, Axiomatic Skepticism: An Incomplete Form of Systemic Doubt
Review of “The Perks of Paranoia” (Video; 2013; 3.30 mins) by Christopher Griffin. Though the creator of the entertaining video, Christopher Griffin, used the fruitful idea of “hyper-active threat detection” derived from evolutionary psychology to explain the tendency of some hyper-active brains to see conspiracies where there are none, he is only giving a part … Continue reading “Entertaining, Type-II Error-prone, Axiomatic Skepticism: An Incomplete Form of Systemic Doubt”