The Dialectical Gyrations in and between Hegel and Marx

Introduction. This paper initially intended to address discussions regarding the importance and scope of an alleged break between the early, philosophical articles of the revolutionary theoretician Karl Marx (1818-1883) and his later, mature historical-materialist socioeconomic investigations. But, because Marx in his early years dealt predominantly with the grand and influential philosophy of the German idealist … Continue reading “The Dialectical Gyrations in and between Hegel and Marx”

The Jaynesian Paradigm and Beyond

. Introduction The Princeton psychologist Julian Jaynes in his 1976 book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind proposed a novel and ingenious theory of consciousness, which is making a come-back in the scientific community. His initial reception was marred by a widespread misunderstanding of his concept of consciousness and the absence of … Continue reading “The Jaynesian Paradigm and Beyond”