Krishnamurti Bibliography

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A. By Jiddu Krishnamurti (Selection)

B. Academic & Expository Studies (Exhaustive)

C. Biographical (Extensive)

D. Philosophical Background (Initial)

E. Theosophical Perceptions (Initial)

F. Videos on Krishnamurti

G. Books read by Krishnamurti (forthcoming)

H. Miscellaneous


A. By Jiddu Krishnamurti (Selection)

Landmark Speeches and Publications

Krishnamurti, Jiddu. 1929. “The Dissolution of the Order of the Star”. International Star Bulletin (September 1929): 28-34. Also titled “Truth is a Pathless Land”.

—– . 1954. The First and Last Freedom. New York: Harper & Brothers.

Written by Krishnamurti

—–. 1956-1960. Commentaries on Living. From the Notebooks of J. Krishnamurti. Series One to Three. Edited by Rajagopal Desikacharya. New York: Harper.

—– . 1976. Krishnamurti’s Notebook. New York: Harper & Row.

—– . 1981. “The Core of Krishnamurti’s Teaching“. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

—–. 1982. Krishnamurti’s Journal. Foreword by Lutyens, Mary. New York: Haper & Row.

—–. 1987. Krishnamurti to Himself: His Last Journal. Foreword by Lutyens, Mary. New York: Haper & Row.

—–. 1997. “A Letter from Krishnamurti to a Friend: The Place of Social Reform”. The Link, 12 (Spring, 1997): 14-15.

—–. 2015. The Whole Movement of Life is Learning: Letters to his Schools. Brockwood Park, UK: Krishnamurti Foundation Trust.

—–. 2020. Happy Is the One Who Is Nothing: Letters to a Young Friend. London: Watkins.

—–. 2023. The Beauty of Life: Krishnamurti’s Journal. Revised and expanded third edition of Krishnamurti’s Journal, 1982. Introduction by McCoy, Ray; Foreword by Lutyens, Mary. London: Watkins.


—–. 1977. Truth and Actuality. Brockwood, UK: Krishnamurti Foundation Trust.

—–. 1979. Exploration into Insight. Foreword by Pupul Jayakar & Sunanda Patwardhan. London: Gollancz.

—– . 1984. Creation Come out of Meditation. Scientists Questions, Los Alamos, New Mexico, March 21, 1984. Video & transcript. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

—–  & Bohm, David. 1985. The Ending of Time. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

—– . & Bohm, D. 1986. The Future of Humanity: A Conversation. New York: HarperCollins.

—– & Jayakar, Pupul. 1995. Fire in the Mind: Dialogues with J. Krishnamurti. Gurgaon, Harayana: Penguin Books India.

—– . 1996. Questioning Krishnamurti: J. Krishnamurti in Dialogue with Leading Twentieth Century Thinkers. Edited by David Skitt. Bramdean Hampshire: Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd.

—– . & Bohm, David. 1999. The Limits of Thought. London & New York: Routledge.

—– . & Anderson, A.W. 2000. A Wholly Different Way of Living. Chennai: Krishnamurti Foundation of India.

—–. 2003. Can Humanity Change? J Krishnamurti in Dialogue with Buddhists. Boulder, CO: Shambala Publications.

—– & Bohm, David & Shainberg, David. 2004. The Transformation of Man. Chennai: Krishnamurti Foundation India.


—–. 1969–1972. Early Writings.  Vols. 1-7. Covering 1927-1933. Bombay: Chetana.

—–. 1980. From Darkness to Light: Poems and Parables. The Collected Works of Krishnamurti, Vol 1. New York: Harper & Row.

—– . 1991. “The Krishnamurti Text Collection & Index”. CD-Rom. Brockwood Park, UK: The Krishnamurti Foundation Trust.

—– . 1991. The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti. Volumes 1-18. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America. Also Delhi: Banarsidass, 2014.

—–. The Complete Works of J. Krishnamurti: 1910-1986. In ca. 50 volumes. Announced in: Krishnamurti Foundation India. Vasanta Vihar Newsletter. March 3, 2003, p. 1.

B. Academic & Expository Studies (Exhaustive)

Aberbach, David. 1993. “Mystical Union and Grief: The Ba ‘al Shem Tov and Krishnamurti”. Harvard Theological Review, 86/3: 309-321.

Agrawal, M. M. 1989. Reply To Mercier–A Pathless Reality: The Central Theme In J Krishnamurti’. International Philosophical Quarterly, 29: 351-356.

——- . 1991a. Consciousness and the Integrated Being: Sartre and Krishnamurti. Shimla, India: Indian Institute of Advanced Studies.

——- . 1991b. “Nothingness and Freedom: Sartre and Krishnamurti”. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 9/1: 45-58.

Allen, A. n.d. “Krishnamurti and Perls”. Unpublished MS.

Anderson, Allen W. 2002. “On the Significance of Krishnamurti’s Teachings”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 9. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

—–. On Krishnamurti’s Teachings: The Collected Writings, Talks and Classroom Discussions of Allan W. Anderson on the Teachings of J. Krishnamurti. Ojai, CA: Karina Library Press.

Anderson, Tyson. 2001. ” ‘We Share the Sunlight’: A Postmodern Spirituality”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 5. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America

Bauscher, Lance A. 1999. Imagination and the Self in the Philosophies of William Blake and Jiddu Krishnamurti. Dissertation, California State University, Dominguez Hills. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Bazemore, Duncan. 1995. “Krishnamurti: An Introduction to his Meditation”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 7. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Boag, Al. 2010. From Being God To Being Human: Biblical Influences in the Teachings of J. Krishnamurti. Master of Art (Research), The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia.

——- . 2011. “From Blavatsky to Krishnamurti: Hindu Chronology, Biblical Eschatology, Physiology”. Literature & Aesthetics, 21/1.

Bora, Shakuntala. 2010. Essays on: Philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Guwahati: Aalibaat Publication.

——. 2013. “Bounds of Thought and Beyond: Jiddu Krishnamurti”. In: Nataraju, Adarasupally (Ed), The Limits of Thought and Beyond, London: Bloomsbury, 88-94.

——. 2015. Rethinking: Philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Guwahati: Aalibaat Publication.

——. 2020. Suffering and Beyond: Jiddu Krishnamurti. Guwahati: Aalibaat Publication.

Bouchard, Roch. 1984. “Krishnamurti Zen”. Revue de l’Université d’Ottawa, 54: 91-100.
Boutte, Veronica. 2002. “The Phenomenology of Compassion in the Teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895-1986”. Studies in Asian Thought and Religion, Vol. 23. Illustrated edition. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Bradford, Michael & Hayne, Patrick. 1995. “Jiddu Krishnamurti: 20th Century Philosopher and Mystic”. Markdale, Canada: Institute for Consciousness Research.
Brandt, Carol. 2003. “Was K Simplistic In His Approach To The Psyche?” The Link, 22: 29-31.

Butcher, Peter. 2002. “The Phenomenological Psychology of J. Krishnamurti”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 6. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Cavanaugh, Thomas C. 1979. “The General and Educational Philosophy of Jiddu Krishnamurti and Its Relevance to Contemporary Education”. Ed. D. dissertation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.

Chaurasia, Rajesh. 2005.”Review Article of Luis SR Vas, J. Krishnamurti: Great Liberator or Failed Messiah“. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR),22/1 (Jan-Mar, 2005): 198-205.

——. 2013. “J. Krishnamurti: Freedom and Action“. Anusilana, 46: 1-10.

——. 2016. “J. Krishnamurti: Holistic Way of Living“. Anviksiki, 12: 138-144.

Chatterjee, Arup K. 2023. “Jiddu Krishnamurti and the Problem of Conscience”. Implicit Religion, 24 (3-4): 443-470.

Chatterjee, Visvanath. 2006. “Review of Luis S R Vas, J. Krishnamurti: Great Liberator or Failed Messiah?Prabuddha Bharata, (Feb, 2006): 176 (58).

Christianson, John. 2002. “Exploring Seeing with J. Krishnamurti”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 4. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Cloninger, K. M. 2008. Transcending Curriculum Ideologies: Educating Human Beings Well. PhD dissertation, University of Denver, Colorado, USA.

Dalal, Roshen. 2020. J Krishnamurti: A life of Compassion beyond Boundaries. Delhi: Macmillan.

De Sousa, Avinash. 2012. “Mind and Consciousness as per J. Krishnamurti“. Mens Sana Monographs, 10/1: 198.

Delkhah, M. 1997. The Pure Man, Discipline of None: Positioning Grotowski’s Metaphysics in Contemporary Euro-Asian Mysticism as Represented by Krishnamurti. PhD dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, USA.

Deshpande, Sudhakar. 2007. The Buddha Rediscovered in the Light of J. Krishnamurti. Rajghat: KFI. Also: Eastern Book Linkers, 2009.

Dewhurst, David. 1994. “Awareness of Mind: A Discussion of the Krishnamurti Schools in India”. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 26/2: 16-32.
Dhillon, Sunny. 2021. “Infinitesimal Freedom: Theodor W. Adorno meets Jiddu Krishnamurti“. Medium, 17 Feb 2021.

—–. 2023. “Adorno, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Critical Theory: Negative Dialectics and Non-Identity Thinking”. Comparative and Continental Philosophy, 15/3: 181–94.

Dhopheshwarkar, AD. 1961 (1973). Krishnamurti and the Texture of Reality. Bombay: Chetana.
——- . 1967. J. Krishnamurti and Awareness in Action. Bombay: Chetana.

——- . 1970. J. Krishnamurti And Mind In Revolution. Bombay: Chetana.

——- . 1973 (1956). Krishnamurti and the Experience of the Silent Mind. Bombay: Chetana.

——- . 1976. Yoga of J. Krishnamurti: A Catechism. Bombay: Chetana.

Erricker, Clive. 2001. “Jiddu Krishnamurti and the open secret”. In Erricker, Clive, and Jane Erricker (Eds), Contemporary Spiritualities: Social and Religious Contexts. London: Continuum.
Fauché, Fabienne. 2001. J.-P. Sartre et J. Krishnamurti: Deux “athéismes” pour une morale. PhD Dissertation. Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

Fitzgerald, T. 1991. “Krishnamurti and the Myth of God Incarnate”. Asian Philosophy, 1/2: 109-126.

Forbes, Scott. 1997. “Education as Religious Activity”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 10. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Foster Patrick M. 2012. The Last Guru: The Significance of J Krishnamurti for the Modern World. Scotts Valley, CA: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Fouéré, René. nd. “Krishnamurti et l’Existentialisme”. In Linsen, Robert (Ed), Krishnamurti et la Pensée Occidentale. Brussles: Editions Être Libre.

Fuller, Jean Overton. 1998. Cyril Scott And A Hidden School:Towards The Peeling Of An Onion. Fullerton, Ca.: Theosophical History.

Gardner, Martin. 2003. “The Vagueness of Krishnamurti”. In: Are Universes Thicker than Blackberries? New York & London: W. W. Norton. 112-121. Originally published in The Skeptical Inquirer (July/August 2000).

Gertel, Elliot B. 2002. “Krishnamurti, language and biblical ‘remembrance’.” Religious Studies and Theology, 21/2: 49.

Giddu, Narayan. 1998. As the River Joins the Ocean: Reflections about J. Krishnamurti. Delhi: Book Faith India.

Gogate, Kanchan. 2021. “Religion and Religious Mind: Hermeneutical Explorations with Special Reference to Swami Vivekananda and J Krishnamurti”. Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, Webinar Series, Religiosity and Secularism in Futuristic Context, June 2021, Proceedings: 9-12.

Goleman, Daniel. 1977. “Krishnamurti’s Choiceless Awareness”. In The Varieties of Meditative Experience. New York: Dutton.

Golwelkar, Sameer. 2013. “A Critical Comparative Study of Self and Life as such in the philosophy of J Krishnamurti and Nisargadatta Mahara. Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, 161-2 (?).

Gorman, Michael E. 1978. “A.J. Korzybski, J. Krishnamurti, And Carlos Castaneda: A Modest Comparison.” ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 35/2: 162-174.

Grego, Richard. 1997. Jiddu Krishnamurti and Thich Nhat Hanh on the Silence of God and the Human Condition. PhD dissertation, State University of New York, Albany, USA.

—–. 2018. ” ‘God Is Not in Temples, So It Doesn’t Matter Who Enters Them’: Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Critique of Gandhi’s Ahimsa Principle and Advaita Vedanta-Based Ethics”. In: Mahapatra, Debidatta Aurobinda (Ed), Gandhi and the World, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 93-110.

Gullette, Alan. 1980. “Mystical Awareness and the Problem of Intentionality”. Independent Study. Dr. Richard Aquila. Philosophy 4103, Spring 1980. University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

Gunturu, Vanamali. 1998. Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Gedanken auser der Phaenomenologischen Perspective Edmund Husserl’s. PhD dissertation. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

——- . 1999. Krishnamurti: Leben und Werk. München: Diedrichs.

Han, C. 1991. Comparing the “Educated Person” Conceptions of Dewey and Krishnamurti: Implications for the Republic of China. PhD dissertation, Columbia University, New York, USA.

Haynes, Joanna. 2007. “Freedom and the urge to think in philosophy with children.” Gifted Education International, 22/2-3: 229-237.

Heber, L. 1935. Krishnamurti and the World Crisis. London: Allen & Unwin.

Herzberger, Hans and Radhika (Eds). 1996a. “Krishnamurti on Interpretation”. Reference Materials on Krishnamurti’s Teachings. Working Paper #1. Madanapalle: Rishi Valley Study Centre.

——- & ——– (Eds). 1996b. “Krishnamurti on Analysis”. Reference Materials on Krishnamurti’s Teachings. Working Paper #2. Madanapalle: Rishi Valley Study Centre.

——- & ——– (Eds). 1996c. “Krishnamurti on Theosophy“. Reference Materials on Krishnamurti’s Teachings. Working Paper #4. Madanapalle: Rishi Valley Study Centre.

——- & ——– (Eds). 1997. “Krishnamurti on the Flight from Disturbance”. Reference Materials on Krishnamurti’s Teachings. Working Paper #5. Madanapalle: Rishi Valley Study Centre

——- & ——– (Eds). 1998. “Krishnamurti on Responsibility”. Reference Materials on Krishnamurti’s Teachings. Working Paper #7. Madanapalle: Rishi Valley Study Centre.

Hixon, Lex. 1989. Coming Home: The Experience of Enlightenment in Sacred Traditions. Los Angeles: Jeremy P Tarcher.

Holden, Lawrence K. 1972. The Structure of Krishnamurti’s Phenomenological Observations and its Psychological Implications. PhD dissertation, United States International University, Nairobi, Kenya.

Holroyd, Stuart. 1980. The Quest of the Quiet Mind: The Philosophy of KrishnamurtiWellingborough, UK: Aquarian Press.

——- . 1991. Krishnamurti the Man, the Mystery & the Message. London: Element Books Ltd.

Horne, Robert Allan. 1973. A Worldview Synthesis of Gestalt Therapy and J Krishnamurti. PhD dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology, Alhambra, CA.

Hufford, Don. 2006. “Interpreting Jiddu Krishnamurti: Educational Implications”. Journal of Philosophy and History of Education, 56: 73.

Hunter, A. No date. J Krishnamurti as Religious Teacher and Educator. PhD dissertation, University of Leeds, UK.

Huxley, Aldous. 1954. “Foreword”. In Krishnamurti, Jiddu, The First and Last Freedom. New York: Harper & Brothers.

John, Joseph. 1975. “J. Krishnamurti: A Noneudaemonistic Approach to Guidance”. Counseling and Values, 19/.4: 254-258.

Kalidas, Joshi. 2005. J. Krishnamurti: Demystified. New Delhi: Pustak Mahal.

Kalsi, Ashutosh. 2007. The Ending of Nihilism: From Nietzsche to Krishnamurti. PhD dissertation, State University of New York, Buffalo, USA.

Kapur, Raman. 1985. “Krishnamurti and Psychotherapy”. Self & Society, 13/5: 230-237.

Kapur, Tribhuwan. 1999. Quest for Realisation: Jiddu Krishnamurti, The Bhagavad Gita, and G. I. Gurdjieff. Delhi: New Dawn.
Karve, Sushama. 2015. J. Krishnamurti’s concepts of freedom, meditation, love and truth: A philosophical study. Thesis. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, India.

Khare, Brij B. 1988. J. Krishnamurti: Things of the Mind. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Khattar, R. 2001. Creativity as the impulse of life: Scholarly philosophies and thoughts for education. Unpublished master’s thesis, York University, Toronto, Canada.

Kneupper, Theodore L. 2003. “Krishnamurti’s Approach to Education”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 11. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Kobbekaduwa, L.A. 1990. Education and the educated person: A comparison of J. Krishnamurti and R.S. Peters. PhD dissertation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Krishna, P. 2003. “J. Krishnamurti and the Scientific Temper”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 14(?). Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Krishna, T M. 2021. “Silences of Jiddu Krishnamurti“. The India Forum, 12 May 2021.

Krishnamurti, V.G.1990. From J. Krishnamurti to the Upanishads. Calcutta: Writers Workshop.

Kumar, Ashwani. 2011. Understanding Curriculum as Meditative Inquiry: A Study of the Ideas of Jiddu Krishnamurti and James Macdonald. PhD dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

—–. 2013. Curriculum as Meditative Inquiry. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kumar, Lombadhar. 2024. “Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Philosophy of Education and National Education Policy 2020: A Review“. Shiksha Sanshodhan: Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 7/1: 58-62.

Kumar, P Kesava. 2015. Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Conception of Tradition and Revolution: A Critical Study. Delhi: Kalpaz Publications.

Linsen, Robert (Ed). nd. Krishnamurti et la Pensée Occidentale. Brussles: Editions Être Libre.

Martin, D. W. 1975. An Analysis of Selected Works of Jiddu Krishnamurti: Implications for Higher Education. PhD dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA.

Martin, Raymond.1997. “Introduction”. In: Martin, Raymond (Ed), Krishnamurti: Reflections on the Self, Chicago: Open Court, xi–xix.

—– . 1998. “Why isn’t Krishnamurti accepted at the University?” KFA Newsletter, Fall, 1998.

——- . 2003. On Krishnamurti. London: Wadsworth.

——-  & Barresi, John. 2006. The Rise and Fall of Soul and Self: An Intellectual History of Personal Identity. New York: Columbia U.P.

Martins, Paulo Nuno. 2018. “A Concise Biography of Jiddu Krishnamurti: An Indian Philosopher of Contemporary Society”. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 5/11: 38-42.

Masoud, Delkhah. 1997. The pure man, disciple of none: Positioning Grotowski’s metaphysics and “method” in contemporary Euro-Asian mysticism as represented by Krishnamurti. PhD Dissertation, Department of Theatre and Film, University of Kansas. Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. (Part)

Mathur, Dinesh. 1984. “J. Krishnamurti on Choiceless Awareness, Creative Emptiness and Ultimate Freedom”. Diogenes, 126 (summer): 91-103.

Maxwell, Patrick. 1994. “The Enigma of Krishnamurti”. Journal for the Study of Religion, (1994):57-81.

McAuley, C. E. 2018. “Krishnamurti and Education: Application of Liberation”. Journal of Conscious Evolution, 5/5.

Mercier, Jean L. 1988. “A Key to Krishnamurti’s Thought”. International Philosophical Quarterly, 28/2: 171-183.

Mehta, Rohit, and Shridevi Mehta. 1990. J. Krishnamurti and Sant Kabir: A Study in Depth. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Methorst, Henri. 2003. Krishnamurti: A Spiritual Revolutionary. Ojai, CA: Edwin House.

Michel, Peter. 1995. Krishnamurti: Love and Freedom (Approaching a Mystery). Woodside, CA: Bluestar Communications.

Miller, William. 1994. “A Krishnamurti perspective on integral consciousness.” Integrative Explorations, 2/1: 30.

Moffatt, Ron. 1976. “Krishnamurti and Psychotherapy: Beyond East and West.” Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Delaware, Newark.

Mohammaditabar, Mohammad, et al. 2016. “J. Krishnamurti and Alan Watts’ Philosophical Speeches: A Critical Discourse Analysis.” Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, 6/1: 524.

Moolayil, Sebastian Varghese. 2014.  “Mind as a Way you Love Truth: A Philosophical Appraisal of Mind by Jiddu Krishnamurti.” Tattva Journal of Philosophy, 6/1: 73-85.

Mukherjee, M. & Agrawal, S. 2021. “Decolonising Lifelong Education: Learning from J. Krishnamurti“. In: Tiffany Prete & Elizabeth Lange (Eds), Special issue of Indigenous Voices and Decolonising Lifelong Education, International Journal of Lifelong Education, 40/4: 328-33.

Nagaraja, J. & Vedaparayana, G. 2016. “The Nature of the Conditioned Mind according to Krishnamurti: A Study“. International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 1/10: 34-35.

Narayan, G. Chandramouli Narsipur (Ed).1998. As the River Joins the Ocean: Reflections about J. Krishnamurti. Ojai, CA: Edwin House Publishing Inc.

Narayana Moorty, J S R L. 1988. “Fragmentation, Meditation and Transformation: The Teachings of J Krishnamurti”. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 133-145.

Needleman, Jacob. 1970. “A Note on Krishnamurti”. In The New Religions . New York: Doubleday. 145-162.

Niel, Andre. 1957. Krishnamurti: The Man in Revolt. Bombay: Chetana.

Patnaik, Nandini. 2014. Beyond The Pathless. Cuttack, Odisha: SET Publications

Perry, Whitall N. 1972. “Anti-Theology and the Riddles of Alcyone“. Review of Alan Watts, 1968, Beyond Theology: The Art of Godmanship, Cleveland & New York: Meridian Books. Studies in Comparative Religion, 6/3: 176-192.

Persico, Tomer. 2016. “A Pathless Land: Krishnamurti and the Tradition of No Tradition”. In: Chajes, Julie, and Boaz Huss (Eds), Theosophical Appropriations: Esotericism, Kabbalah and the Transformation of Traditions, Beer Sheva: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press.

Petrowski, Chari. 1995. “J Krishnamurti: Philosopher to the Common Man”. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Pillay, Kriben. 2003. “The Teachings of J Krishnamurti and their Links with Educational Theory”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 12. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

Poortman, J.J. 1964. “The World-Teacher and Contradictions”. In: Philosophy, Theosophy, Parapsychology, Leiden: Sythoff, 80-88
——- . 1961. “J Krishnamurti en de Wijsbegeerte”. In: De Grondparadox en andere Voordrachten en Essays, Assen: Van Gorcum, 93-110.

Powell, Robert. 1971. “Zen and Liberation according to Krishnamurti”. In: Vas, Luis S R (Ed), The Mind of J. Krishnamurti, Bombay: Jaico Publishing House.

Rao, S.R. 2005. J Krishnamurti. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi.

Rathnam, Anbananthan. 2013. Whole Teachers: A Holistic Education Perspective on Krishnamurti’s Educational Philosophy. PhD dissertation, The University of Toronto, Canada.

Raveh, Daniel. 2004. “Transformative Education: Sankara and Krishnamurti on the Encounter between Teacher and Student”. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 21/3: 137-160.
Rechtshaffer, Ira. 1977. The Awakened Mind: A Comparative Study of J. Krishnamurti, Chogyam Trungpa Rimpoche and Bubba Free John. PhD dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, USA.

Reinsmith, William. 1994. “Cultural Conditioning: The Dark Underside of Multiculturalism (Part Two: A Way Out)”. Inquiry, 14/2: 78-85.

Rodrigues, Hillary. 1988. Insight” and “The Religious Mind” in the Teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Master of Arts Thesis, Religious Studies, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.

——- . 1990. Insight and Religious Mind: An Analysis of Krishnamurti’s Thought. American University Studies, Series VII, Theology and Religion, Vol. 64, Master of Arts Thesis, McMaster University, 1988. New York: Peter Lang.

——- . 1995. “On Krishnamurti”. In: Blau, Evelyne (Ed), Krishnamurti: 100 Years, New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 226-228.

——- . 1995. “Examining Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Legacy to Humanity”. New Perspectives: A Journal of Conscious Living, 9/2: 50-55.

——- . 1996. “J Krishnamurti’s ‘Religious Mind’ “. Religious Studies and Theology, 15/1: 40-56.

——- . 1997. “Movement in Emptiness: Assessing Krishnamurti’s Life and His Teachings on Religion”. Religious Studies and Theology, 15/ 2-3: 45-60.

——- . 2001. Krishnamurti’s Insight: An Examination of his Teachings on the Nature of Mind and Religion. Varanasi: Pilgrims Publishing.

——- . 2002. “The Nature and Implications of Transformation”. Krishnamurti Monograph Series, # 1. Ojai, CA: Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

——- . 2001. “Why Change?” Video talk by Professor Hillary Rodrigues. Annual KFA Gathering, May, 2001. Copyright 2001. Krishnamurti Foundation of America.

——- . 2007. “An Instance of Dependent Origination: Are Krishnamurti’s Teachings Buddhadharma?”.it going? Pacific World, 5/9: 85-102.

——- . 2009. “Krishnamurti on Religion”. The Link, 28: 30-35.

——- . 2010. “Valorizing Insight: Krishnamurti’s Educational Priority”. Published proceedings of the international symposium: “Being Alive to Responsible Citizenship: J. Krishnamurti and the Challenge for Education”, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

——- . 2012. “Young Lord Maitreya: The Curious Case of Jiddu Krishnamurti”. In: Sasson, Vanessa R. (ed), 2012, Little Buddhas: Children and Childhoods in Buddhist Texts and Traditions. Oxford: Oxford UP.

——- . 2018. “The Self in Hindu Philosophies of Liberation“. In: Fernando, Suman & Roy Moodley (Eds), Global Psychologies: Mental Health and the Global South, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 99-118.

——- . 2018. “Insight through Awareness: A Crucial Value in Krishnamurti’s Approach to Education”. In: Thapan, Meenakshi (Ed), J. Krishnamurti and Educational Practice: Social and Moral Vision for Inclusive Education, Delhi, India: Oxford UP, 42-67.

——- . 2024. “Learning from ‘What-is’: Resonances with Krishnamurti’s Pedagogy”. Journal of Unschooling & Alternative Learning, 18/36.

Rodríguez, Javier Gómez. 2022. “The Way of Insight: Krishnamurti’s Holistic Approach to Awareness in Education”. In: Bogner, Dirk Paul & Martin Harant (Eds), Bildung und Achtsamkeit: Theorie und Praxis des Kontemplativen im Bildungsprozess, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 183-199.

Rommelaere, J. 1976. A comparative study of the educational theories of Mohandas Gandhi and Jiddu Krishnamurti. PhD dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA.

Rogan, Daniel Patrick. 1980. The Nature and Experience of ‘Will’ in Theosophy, Depth Psychology, Krishnamurti, and EST. PhD dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies.

Sabzevary, A. 2008. Choiceless Awareness through Psychological Freedom in the Philosophy of Krishnamurti. PhD dissertation, California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, USA.

—–. 2009. Choiceless Awareness: Psychological Freedom in the Philosophy of Krishnamurti. Saarbrüken, Germany: Lambert Publishing.

Sanat, Aryel. 1988. The Secret Doctrine, Krishnamurti & Transformation”. The American Theosophist, 76/5 (May 1988): 133-143.

——- . The Inner Life of Krishnamurti: Private Passion and Perennial Wisdom. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books. (Review)

Santucci, James A. 1997. “Forewordto Krishnamurti and the World Teacher Project: Some Theosophical Perceptions. Theosophical History Journal, Occasional Paper V.

Sardesai, Arundhati. 1996. “Epistemology of J Krishnamurti”. Indian-Philosophical-Quarterly, 23/3-4: 454-466.

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Moody, David Edmund. 2013. The Unconditioned Mind: J. Krishnamurti and the Oak Grove School. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books.

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D. Philosophical Background (initial)

Chattopadhyaya, DP & Embree, Lester & Mohanty, Jitendranath (Eds). 1992. Phenomenology and Indian Philosophy. Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass.
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Wilberg, Peter. 2008. Heidegger, Phenomenology and Indian Thought. No place: New Gnosis Publications.

E. Theosophical Perceptions (Sympathetic and Critical)

Anrias, David. 1932. Through the Eyes of the Masters: Meditations and Portraits. London: Routledge.

——– . 1933. Adepts of the Five Elements. London: Routledge. (Excerpts)

Baker, Gladys. Ca 1929. “Krishnamurti: Who is he?” Pamphlet. Adyar, India: Indian Star Headquarters.

Bertram, EFD. n.d. “Krishnamurti and the Search for Light: A Reply to Mr. Hodson’s Attack”. n.p.

Carrithers, Walter, 1987. “Jiddu Krishnamurti and the Return of Madame Blavatsky”. Address read at The Second International Conference on Theosophical History, 1987. Including letter to “Brother Pilgrim” (Krishnamurti). Theosophical History (London), 2 (Oct. 1987): 126-33 and 2 (Jan. 1988): 165-83.

Fuller, Jean Overton. 1985. “Krishnamurti and Blavatsky”. Theosophical History, 1/2 (April 1985): 20-24.

—– . 1986. “Krishnamurti“. Theosophical History, 1/6 (April 1986): 140-141.

Gower, Dudley C. 1960. “The Impact of Jung and Krishnamurti on some Theosophical Teachings“. The Theosophist, June: 174-185; July: 258-264; August: 322-331.

Hodson, Geoffrey. 1929. Thus Have I Heard: A Book of Spiritual and Occult Gleanings from the Teachings of the Great. Adyar, India: Theosophical Publishing House. (Excerpt)

——- . nd [ca. 1939]. Krishnamurti and the Search for Light. Sydney: St Alban Press.

Jinarajadasa, C. 1930. “Krishnamurti’s Message“. Adyar Pamphlets, No.134. Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House.

Keidan, Bill. 2002. “What Really Happened to J. Krishnamurti?Alpheus, 2 Jan 2002. 

Krämer, Hans Martin & Julian Strube (Eds). 2020. Theosophy across Boundaries: Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Modern Esoteric Movement. New York: SUNY.

Krishna, P. 1995. “Was Krishnamurti a Theosophist?”. The Theosophist, 116: 305-307.

Krishnamurti, Jiddu. 2022. “Interview by Wilfred Thomas.” Urgency of Change: The Krishnamurti Podcast, episode 32, audio and transcript, 22 Apr. 2022. Interview conducted 1 June 1970 at Brockwood Park, UK.

Schuller, Govert. 1997. “Krishnamurti: An Esoteric View of his Teachings“. Alpheus, 1997.

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——- . 2010. “Review of Peter Michel’s Krishnamurti: Love and Freedom“. Alpheus, 3 Feb 2010.

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——- . 2019 (2004). “Comparison between Theosophy and Krishnamurti“. Double Column Comparison with Footnotes.

Scott, Cyril. 1932. The Initiate in the Dark Cycle. London: Routledge. Published anonymously under the authorship of “His Pupil”. (Excerpt 1; excerpt 2)

Sender, Pablo. 2004. “Krishnamurti’s Teachings and Theosophy“. The Theosophist, 126/2: 93-100.

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van der Leeuw, Jacobus Johannes. 1930. “Revelation or Realization: The Conflict in Theosophy”. Amsterdam: Theosofische Vereeniging Uitgevers Maatschappij.

F. Videos

Aravindan, Govindan (producer). 1985. K – The Seer Who Walks Alone. Documentary. YouTube, 24 June 2012. 

Collins, Bob & Jay, Sue (producers). 1986. The Role of a Flower. Documentary. Great Britain: Television South.

Herzberger, Radhika and Hans. 2012. Krishnamurti: Chronicles of a Less Ordinary Life. Documentary. YouTube, 26 Feb 2012.
Krishnamurti Foundation of America. 1989. Krishnamurti: With a Silent Mind: Interviews about Krishnamurti. Krishnamurti YouTube Channel, 18 June 2017.

Mendizza, Michael. 1984. The Challenge to Change: A Feature-length Documentary Film on the Life and Teachings of J. Krishnamurti. A. Chamberlain, R. (Narrator). Blau, Evelyne (Producer).

——- . 2014. The Mind of J. Krishnamurti. Documentary. YouTube, 11 Feb 2014.

Sadhguru. 2019. “Sadhguru on Jiddu Krishnamurti & His Life“. YouTube, 9 May 2019.
Sternberg, Adam & Lisa Clark (Producer & Writers). 2007. Jiddu Krishnamurti: The Reluctant Messiah. Made for The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones. Lucas Films YouTube Channel, Nov 6 2024.

G. Books read by Krishnamurti (Forthcoming) 


H. Miscellaneous

Evans, Jules. 2020. “Krishnamurti, the Lonely Hollywood Star”. Medium, 20 Aug 2020.

Howard, Paul (Director). 2018. Infinite Potential. Documentary film. Origin Media.

Junior, Olival Freire. 2019. David Bohm: A Life Dedicated to Understanding the Quantum World. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.

Osho (Chandra Mohan Jain). nd. “J. Krishnamurti”. Osho on Topics, Osho web site.

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