On Trump: US Lying Its Way to War (again)?

  The recent January 29, 2017 missile test by Iran is not in violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions as many members of congress and certain media claim. The 2015 Iran nuclear agreement has no binding provisions about missile tests. Before the day of implementation of the agreement on January 2016 the Iranians were … Continue reading “On Trump: US Lying Its Way to War (again)?”

On Trump: The Steele Report Echoing the Golitsyn Deception?

  Ten days before the inauguration of Trump an anonymous bombshell intelligence report was published by Buzzfeed.[1] The report, written by former British MI6 agent and Russia expert Christopher Steele, alleges that 1) Russian intelligence has compromising material on Trump gathered when he visited Leningrad and Moscow a few years ago; 2) there were extensive … Continue reading “On Trump: The Steele Report Echoing the Golitsyn Deception?”

On Trump: Why We Should not Normalize Trump

  In December 2016 I found online a list of 76 proven lies by Trump and read them all. The list is named “Donald Trump’s Bullshitopedia: An Ever Expanding Catalog Of Lies”.[1] The list is a good reminder that Trump is a pathological liar. I am not just saying that to bash Trump, but to make … Continue reading “On Trump: Why We Should not Normalize Trump”

On Trump: The Aspiring Pathocrat

In previous posts I have commented on some of the psychological dynamics of Trump and the political dynamics of his followers. In this post I like to explore the rather dark territory of their interaction in rather clinical terminology necessary to get a sane and objective grip on this otherwise very disturbing phenomenon. I will … Continue reading “On Trump: The Aspiring Pathocrat”

On Trump: Elias, Civilization and Trump

  Last  summer I read the phenomenal study The Civilizing Process by the eminent sociologist Norbert Elias.[1] some of his findings can be applied to understand the rise of authoritarianism in the West as embodied in the political career of President Trump. This article will present some of the theoretical underpinnings of Elias’ work, then … Continue reading “On Trump: Elias, Civilization and Trump”

On Trump: The Splitting of the Libertarian Movement

It looks to me that the libertarian movement, like the GOP and the Tea Party, is falling apart over the Trump phenomenon. One faction sees Trump as someone who is ignorant of, even a danger to, libertarian and constitutional principles and therefore should not be followed, while another faction thinks Trump will restore a coveted … Continue reading “On Trump: The Splitting of the Libertarian Movement”

On Trump: Diagnosing 301.81 and the Goldwater Rule

During the 2015/16 US presidential primaries consensus emerged among health professionals [1], knowledgeable journalists [2,3,4] and those engaged in amateur diagnoses [5] that the psychological profile of then presidential candidate Donald Trump hovered somewhere between having a (curable) narcissist character trait of a malignant kind and suffering from (irreversible) Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Making such … Continue reading “On Trump: Diagnosing 301.81 and the Goldwater Rule”

On Trump: Intolerance and Authoritarianism

  To make some sense of the chaos in the Republican Party during the primaries and to partially answer the question why conservatives are flocking to Trump to the extent that he won the 2016 US general election, the following: Political scientist and expert on political authoritarianism Karen Stenner sees three different kinds of conservatism which … Continue reading “On Trump: Intolerance and Authoritarianism”

On Trump: Trump Positively Mentions Arch-elitist Richard Haass. Why?

In March 2016 Trump mentioned Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass as an “excellent” foreign policy adviser.[1] This created some consternation in some libertarian and conspiricist conservative circles. What is the big deal here? Why would Trump name the quintessential establishment figure Haass as an excellent (potential) adviser on foreign policy? He probably knows … Continue reading “On Trump: Trump Positively Mentions Arch-elitist Richard Haass. Why?”

An Analysis of ‘What Second Amendment People Maybe Can Do’

Introduction There is talk by Republicans to invoke Rule Nine of the GOP to get Donald Trump out of the presidential race based on the fact that he went way too far with his, as many people perceive, proposal to assassinate his political opponent Hillary Clinton by “Second Amendment people”. The rule allows the Republican … Continue reading “An Analysis of ‘What Second Amendment People Maybe Can Do’”