Joined at the Mind: Philosophy, Mysticism and Madness

  Review-essay of Wouter Kusters, Philosophy of Madness: The Experience of Psychotic Thinking, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2022 Govert Schuller In this article I will aim at giving an overview of Dutch philosopher Wouter Kusters’ phenomenal study, Philosophy of Madness, with some asides about what is phenomenologically important in it. Kusters’ Philosophy of Madness: The … Continue reading “Joined at the Mind: Philosophy, Mysticism and Madness”

Philosophy, Religion, Mysticism and Madness

  Introduction I am still in the middle of reading Wouter Kusters’ phenomenal Philosophy of Madness: The Experience of Psychotic Thinking. This book is a must read for all interested in philosophy, mysticism and madness, and those who are open to the disturbing closeness, even overlap, of all three, like Kusters’ ideas that: Philosophy is controlled madness; … Continue reading “Philosophy, Religion, Mysticism and Madness”

President Trump should be submitted for a Psychiatric Evaluation

  The assassination of the Iranian general Soleimani is almost certainly not because of some geopolitical strategic calculus by Trump. Two reasons will back up this observation. One, Trump is according to many mental health professionals not capable of such reasoning anymore and, two, according to many geopolitical analysts the risks far outweigh the advantages … Continue reading “President Trump should be submitted for a Psychiatric Evaluation”

Human Causes of the Economic Crisis and Spiritual Solutions

A Seeker Speaks / Thursday, November 27, 2008 / Steve Larsen In recent months, we have seen unprecedented upheavals the US as well as the global economy. Big banks have fallen, as have insurance companies and brokerage companies followed by huge losses in the stock market. It is estimated US citizens have lost over a … Continue reading “Human Causes of the Economic Crisis and Spiritual Solutions”

On Trump: The Tasaroff Doctrine Trumps the Goldwater Rule

  For those who are concerned about the appropriateness of using psychiatric diagnostic tools to assess the mental fitness and dangerousness of President Trump the following: It apparently is totally legitimate, even legally required, for mental health professionals to warn targeted people and society at large for the dangers a troubled person or group of … Continue reading “On Trump: The Tasaroff Doctrine Trumps the Goldwater Rule”

On Trump: Towards An Understanding Of Why Republicans Have Switched Off Their Critical Faculties

  At the average rate of 4.88 lies a day [1] the current US president during his first 100 days in office has disgraced his office and further besmirched the international reputation of the US. Lie by lie he has walled himself in and lost credibility in the eyes of most sane and rational people. … Continue reading “On Trump: Towards An Understanding Of Why Republicans Have Switched Off Their Critical Faculties”

On Trump: Why We Should not Normalize Trump

  In December 2016 I found online a list of 76 proven lies by Trump and read them all. The list is named “Donald Trump’s Bullshitopedia: An Ever Expanding Catalog Of Lies”.[1] The list is a good reminder that Trump is a pathological liar. I am not just saying that to bash Trump, but to make … Continue reading “On Trump: Why We Should not Normalize Trump”

On Trump: Intolerance and Authoritarianism

  To make some sense of the chaos in the Republican Party during the primaries and to partially answer the question why conservatives are flocking to Trump to the extent that he won the 2016 US general election, the following: Political scientist and expert on political authoritarianism Karen Stenner sees three different kinds of conservatism which … Continue reading “On Trump: Intolerance and Authoritarianism”