Theosophical History
Theosophical History
Occasional Papers
Volume V
Krishnamurti and the
World-Teacher Project:
Some Theosophical Perceptions
By Govert W. Schüller
J. Krishnamurti still generates great interest among both
Theosophists and non-Theosophists alike. With this in mind,
the author of Krishnamurti and the World-Teacher Project,
Govert W. Schüller, offers an overview of Theosophical perceptions
of Krishnamurti the person and Krishnamurti the philosopher.
From the Theosophical point of view, the overriding question
concerns Krishnamurti's role as the World Teacher, to which
the author gives four general assessments, of which the
fourth is especially intriguing:
- the project was perceived as genuine and successful
- the project was perceived as genuine, but failed;
- the project was perceived as not genuine and failed;
- the project was perceived as not genuine, but succeeded.
Mr. Schüller examines the literature (Theosophical as well
as non-Theosophical) with great acumen and clarity. Included
are the assessments of (in alphabetical order) John Algeo,
Alice Bailey, Annie Besant, Radha Burnier, Jean Overton
Fuller, Geoffrey Hodson, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Cyril
Scott, Rudolf Steiner, and Albert E.S. Smythe. Mention is
also made of the highly controversial book, Lives in the
Shadow with J. Krishnamurti (reviewed in Theosophical
History III/7-8).
Krishnamurti and the World-Teacher Project was released
on May 25, 1997. Those interested in ordering this volume
should send a check or international money order in U.S.
dollars to James Santucci (Department of Religious Studies,
California State University, P.O. Box 6868, Fullerton, California
92834-6868) payable to Theosophical
History. Checks or money orders in British sterling
should be made out to Dr. Joscelyn Godwin and sent
to Dr. Godwin c/o the Department of Music, Colgate University,
Hamilton, New York 13346-1398. The publication price is
$17.00 (£12.00). For air mail, please add $3.50 (£2.50).
California residents please add 7.75% sales tax ($1.31).
Wholesale discounts available with purchase of ten or more
James Santucci