Regarding Theosophy
Source Materials
Regarding Theosophy
Theosophy is the quite obvious spiritual-intellectual background
of this Web site. Etymologically it means God's Wisdom.
Webster says it means "knowledge of the Divine Being
obtained by spiritual ecstasy, direct intuition, or special
individual relations." [continued]
Overton Fuller, Master Narayan, and the Krishnamurti-Scott-Anrias
Issue. Article in Theosophical History about
a relatively unknown but quite important Theosophical master
and his alleged identification by Jean Overton Fuller. All
in the context of the Krishnamurti-Scott-Anrias issue, which
is about two Englishmen passing on contested Mahatmic evaluations
of the metaphysical status of Krishnamurti and the esoteric
soundness of his teachings.
The Masters
and Their Emissaries: From H.P.B. to Guru Ma and Beyond.
Pamphlet by Govert Schuller tracing the lineage of the Masters'
emissaries in chronological order.
Krishnamurti and
the World Teacher Project: Some Theosophical Perceptions
Academic paper by Govert Schuller on the many different
ways Krishnamurti was evaluated by different theosophical
Efforts and Counter-Efforts of the Millennium
A presentation by Govert Schuller offering an esoteric
interpretation of the last millennium of western history.
and Organizations: Successes and Crises
A skeletal presentation of some research done on the dynamics
of the coming and going of messengers and its interaction
with the organizations founded to carry their message.
The Relevance
of Phenomenology for Theosophy. By Govert Schuller.
Article making the case that the insights and ideas as developed
within the phenomenological movement will find fruitful
application in Theosophy.
The State
of the TS (Adyar) in 2008: A Psycho-esoteric Interpretation.
By Govert Schuller. Article arguing that Adyar Theosophists
are still suffering from a variation of post-traumatic stress
disorder triggered by the failed world teacher project with
by Cyril Scott
From David Anrias' Through the Eyes of the Masters.
A great introduction to Theosophy and the existence and
work of the Masters.
The Theosophical
Society in Western History: A Study in Cycles Article
by John R. Wilkinson originally published in The Theosophist
Vol. 51, No. 9, June 30, 1930. Full text with annotations.
or Realization: The Conflict in Theosophy
Pamphlet by J.J. van der Leeuw on the crisis in the Theosophical
Society caused by Krishnamurti's dissolution of the Order
of the Star.
as a Political Movement
Illuminating article by political scientist Mark Bevir on
the role Theosophy played as a Neo-Hindu reform movement
and its influence on Indian nationalist ideology and politics.
Besant's Quest for Truth: Christianity, Secularism, and
New Age Thought. Article
by political scientist Mark Bevir. "This essay examines
the intellectual coherence of Annie Besant's life in such
a way as to explore the rise of New Age thought in its relation
to the Victorian crisis of faith." Refutes James Webb's
theory that Theosophy is a "flight from reason."
West Turns Eastward: Madame Blavatsky and the Transformation
of the Occult Tradition. Article
by political scientist Mark Bevir. "This essay
examines, first, the way in which Madame Blavatsky transformed
the occult tradition in response to the Victorian crisis
of faith, and, second, the interpenetration of her occultism
with her particular interpretations of Buddhism and Hinduism."
C. W. Leadbeater:
A Great Occultist
Defense of CWL’s clairvoyance to E.L. Gardner’s
challenge in his There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth.
Contributions from Geoffrey Hodson, Hugh Shearman, Marijn
Brandt and a collective letter signed by twenty-two of CWL’s
former pupils.
The Consolation
of Theosophy
By Frederick C. Crews. Review/essay for The New York
Review of Books of Peter Washington's Madame Blavatsky's
Baboon. An incisive, skeptical (but balanced) take on
Blavatsky and Theosophy, and an important example of the
view on these subjects from cultured academia. Including
a short
discussion with K. Paul Johnson.
"A spirited
story of the psychic and the Colonel : Henry Steel Olcott
had expected to scoff at Madame Blavatsky's séance,
but he stayed on to help found The Theosophical Society."
Article by Edward Hower for the Smithsonian.
"In Search
of 'Shambha-la' and the Aryan Lamas: The Tibet images of
the theosophists, occultists, Nazis and neo-Nazis."
By Dr. Martin Brauen. Chapter from Dreamworld Tibet:
Western Illusions.
Theosophical Society and Labour and National Movements in
Indonesia, 1913-1918. Article by Herman de Tollenaere.
Short paper on the relationship between Theosophists and
political movements in Indonesia.
limits of liberalism and of Theosophy:colonial Indonesia
and the German Weimar republic, 1918-1933. Article by
Herman de Tollenaere "... about parallels and links
to, and differences with, the religio-philosophical tendency
of Theosophy" and political liberalism.
and Engels on Spiritualism and Theosophy. Article
by Herman de Tollenaere for Theosophical History. Short
paper on how Theosphists and Marxists saw each other.
Source Materials
The Future of the Theosophical Society.
Last chapter from Blavatsky's The Key to Theosophy presenting
the future "torch-bearer of Truth" and the idea
of cyclical spiritual impulses by the Masters.
Nine Portraits
of the Masters by David Anrias
Nine pencil drawings scanned from the book Through the
Eyes of the Masters.
an Elder Brother
Full text with annotations. Message from a Mahatma or Master
of Wisdom, given on December 26 or 27, 1925, to commemorate
the fifty year anniversary of the Theosophical Society.
Seven Principles of Man
Comparison of Theosophical and Ascended Master terms in
a conveniently arranged table.
Theosophical Glossary
An ongoing project by Theosophical University Press Online.
Started by G. de Purucker and now edited by Grace Knoche.
Index of Theosophical Periodicals
Indices to Theosophical and Related Periodicals: Journals,
Series and Pamphlets. This html page contains links to indices
to some 70 ceased and about 20 continuing Theosophical periodicals.
Nearly 30 of the indices are incomplete.
Editions of Theosophical University Press Publications
(H.P. Blavatsky's major works online)
Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett
Letters from M. and K.H. to some of their pupils, written
in the 1880s.
Secret Doctrine, Krishnamurti, and Transformation
Comparative study by Aryel Sanat of the teachings of Krishnamurti
and Blavatsky concerning the transformation of consciousness.
P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement: A Brief Historical
Sketch By Charles J. Ryan.
by H. P. Blavatsky
236 articles with full text.
of Charges against Madame Blavatsky
By different students.
Archives Online
"This site publishes material [including rare and hard-to-find
source documents] on the life, writings and teachings
of Madame H.P. Blavatsky (1831-91), the founder of modern
Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky: Reminiscences
and Impressions by Those Who Knew Her
Compiled and edited by Daniel H. Caldwell.
Myth of the "Missing" Third Volume of The Secret
Doctrine' by Daniel H. Caldwell. The text under
discussion can be found in: 1) H.P.Blavatsky, The Secret
Doctrine (Adyar, India: TPH, 1938) Adyar Edition, Vol.
V , 2) Idem., Collected Writings (Wheaton, IL: TPH,
1985) Vol. XIV, and 3) Idem., The Esoteric Writings of
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Wheaton, IL: TPH, 1980).
In Neo-Platonic and Christian Literature (Summary and Conclusions)
By Louis Siémons. "This article describes how
the terms theosophy and theosophist can be traced back to
Neo-Platonist writers."
Case of the Cottingley Fairies
The controversial story by John Cooper about photographing
fairies. The famous photographs can be found at: Arthur
Conan Doyle, Spiritualism, and Fairies by Donald E.
Simanek. Bill Keidan wrote about Hodson's involvement [Soon
available again].
Theosophical Mahatmas: A Critique of Paul Johnson's New
Myth. By David Pratt. A critique of Johnson's thesis,
as stated and elaborated in his several books, that the
Masters as depicted by Blavatsky were not truthful reports,
but fictionalized accounts based on several real live historical
persons she had met during her extensive travels.
And Blavatsky
By Jean Overton Fuller. Article reconciling Theosophy and
the Masters with Krishnamurti's teachings.
Purchase of Adyar Headquarters: A Reminiscence of H.P.B.
by Chetty, G. Soobiah. Charming account by an insider. Reporting
Olcott's claims of Masters in the neighbourhood.
from the Maha-chohan
"Several good reasons given to K. H. by the Chohan
why the T.S. should be a Brotherhood of Humanity."
See separate
Unveiled: A Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and
Modern Science and Theology
By H. P. Blavatsky. Book review by John P. Van Mater for
Sunrise. Another
review by Alvin Boyd Kuhn.
Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and
Philosophy By H.P. Blavatsky. Review by Alvin Boyd Kuhn.
the Adepts: Madame Blavatsky on The "Secret Doctrine".
Historical article-length book review by Annie Besant of
HPB's The Secret Doctrine. First published in The
Pall Mall Gazette (London), April 25, 1889.
Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett
Compiled by A.T. Barker. Review by Alvin Boyd Kuhn.
to Great Ideas: The Secret Doctrine Reference Series
Several authors. Book review by Richard I. Rob for Sunrise.
Universal Brotherhood: HPB to the American Conventions
Written by H. P. Blavatsky. Book review by W. T. S. Thackara
for Sunrise.
Search of the Masters ; The Masters Revealed; Initiates
of Theosophical Masters
Written by K. Paul Johnson. A review and critique of K.
Paul Johnson's thesis by Daniel Caldwell.
The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky,
Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement
By Sylvia Cranston. Book review by Connie Hargrave for Share
Blavatsky’s Baboon: A History of the Mystics, Mediums,
and Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism to America
Written by Peter Washington. Book review by W.T.S.
Thackara for Theosophical History. Also review
by Joseph P. Szimhart for Cultic Studies Journal,
and a review (part
1 & part
2) by Frederick C. Crews for the New York Review
of Books.
Review of
E.L. Gardner's booklet No religion higher than truth,
in which the controversial case was made that C.W. Leadbeater
was not really clairvoyant, but victim to Kriyashakti,
or the power of imaginary projection.
Judge Case. A Conspiracy Which Ruined the Theosophical Cause.
Book by Ernest E. Pelletier. Reviewed by Brett Forray for
Theosophical History. Forray addresses the weaknesses
and biases of this massive study. (Pelletier's
response; editor's
History Journal
This webpage is a collaborative effort of serious students
of all aspects of theosophy, with an emphasis on the wave
of occultism, spiritualism, New Age thought and Theosophy
as it has developed during the last 150 years. Edited by
Prof. James Santucci of California State University.
Theosophical Society
International TS Headquarters near Adyar, India. Founded
by H.P.Blavatsky in 1875.
Theosophical Society
In Pasadena, California. Originally the American branch
of the mother organization which split of in 1895 under
W.Q. Judge.
The United
Lodge of Theosophists
Founded in 1909 by Robert Crosbie. To spread the teachings
of Theosophy as recorded in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky
and William Q. Judge.
Theosophical Society in America
In Wheaton, IL. American branch of the Adyar TS.
"This site focuses on Madame Blavatsky and her teaching
- Theosophy. It features an introduction to Theosophy, study
aids, original text of Theosophy, supporting evidence, membership,
and visitor interaction."
Theosophy: The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy.
Collection of the many interesting articles written by the
editor David Pratt.
"An esoteric resource on the life and work of Geoffrey
Hodson (1886-1983), Theosophical teacher, mystic and gnostic
seer." Edited by Bill Keidan.
Overton Fuller
Web site in the make dedicated to the Theosophical scholar
and author Jean Overton Fuller. Edited by Tom Lipscombe.
A magazine of philosophy, religion, science, and the arts
published by the Theosophical Society in America.
Quest Books
Quest Books is the imprint of the Theosophical Publishing
House, the publishing arm of the Theosophical Society in
America, dedicated to promoting understanding among all
peoples of the world.
Published by the Theosophical Society in Pasadena. The magazine
presents a wide range of philosophic and scientific themes
in the light of ancient and modern theosophy and its application
to daily experience.
Green's Critical History Page on Theosophy
Critical articles on Blavatsky, Leadbeater, ULT, Alice Bailey
An online library within the ULT fold, dedicated to Raghavan
N. Iyer.