It is a wondrous teaching to realize Bhoddi, where I AM,
the universal Christ. Where I AM, the divine Master, where
I would caution you then against the false hierarchy teaching
that was especially promulgated by Krishnamurti, where he
said you need no master, no teacher, you are your own master.
This is how the truth gets compromised only by degree, only
by nuance of vibration on the left-handed path. Who is the
Bhoddi, who is the Master, who is the divine Mother of you?
It is your Holy Christ Self, the great Teacher and Guru
So when we say I AM my own master we are affirming our
Holy Christ Self, and we do not confuse it ever, ever with
the lower self, the untransmuted self or the soul who has
not prepared herself, donned the wedding garment, the deathless
solar body and therefore entered into the Alchemical marriage,
which is literally the fusion of the soul with the Holy
Christ Self. That divine union takes place little by little.
It is though God had a giant drape above the stage of life
and moments come along, and he lets down the drape and suddenly
you are clothed upon with your Holy Christ Self, and then
he pulls it up again when you are about your other business.
And so day after day, and week after week we have those
sublime moments when it is very clear that we are enveloped
by our Holy Christ Self. These are the dress-rehearsals
for the Alchemical union. And the Alchemical marriage is
the bride adorned for her husband, waiting for that divine
When you have achieved that level of initiation, that you
and the teacher are one, then you can say "I am my
own master," because you are one with your master,
and you can mean it here in this self. Until that hour when
you affirm that--if you were to affirm it according to the
left-handed path--you would find that all of the hordes
of death and hell and the false hierarchy would therefore
come and challenge you. And you would not be able to sustain
it, unless you would join them and take their initiations
on the left-handed path, then you could compete with them
and withstand their onslaughts.
So this becomes a very serious trial, especially for those
who have a highly developed human ego, personal pride, spiritual
pride and so forth. And they become therefore entranced
and entrapped by those who teach this "Be your own
master." So we find at the core of anti-community,
being anti-Buddha, we find this abroad in the land today;
and it does crop up, and you need to be aware of it.
And therefore, when you are going to place that lay of
flowers around your own neck, realize that what you are
is the vessel, but whom you're crowning and adorning is
your Holy Christ Self, who comes to you as teacher, as father,
as mother, as comforter and is clothed upon with the vestments
of the various Ascended Masters, who being themselves into
that Sambok-Khaya, that universal Christ body, and therefore
converse with you, speak to you, are one with your Holy
Christ Self, or may appear to you standing next to your
Holy Christ Self. So this is the refinement of Kuan Yin.
[From teachings by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Kuan Yin's
mantra's given at a Mother's Day service at May 8, 1988.
Tape B 88068. Copyright © 1988, Summit University Press,
P.O. Box 5000, Corwin Springs, Montana 59030-5000. (406)
848-9891. Web site:]
See also Prophet's
view on Krishnamurti as given in "Krishnamurti
and the World Teacher Project: Some Theosophical Perceptions."