Site for Esoteric History 

Regarding the Ascended Masters

The term Ascended Masters will be used for those Masters and groups, who identify themselves as such. These groups include the I AM Movement (Guy and Edna Ballard), the Bridge to Freedom (Geraldine Innocente), The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant (Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet), and other offshoots. Historically and content-wise they can be differentiated from Theosophical groups like the Theosophical Society (Blavatsky, Besant, Leadbeater), the Lucis Trust (Alice Bailey) and the United Lodge of Theosophists (Crosbie). The former are all post-1929 (K's break with the TS) and present a more or less uniform body of teachings, which is Theosophical at its core, but greatly amended and reformulated with concepts like the I AM Presence (Atma-Buddhi), the Ascension (Leadbeater's 5th initiation), the Violet Flame (the 7th Ray), and decrees (mantra yoga).

For those with a theosophical background studying the teachings of the Ballards and Prophets (and other way around), a useful table has been added, converting theosophical terms regarding the occult constitution of man into Ascended Master terminology. Also a skeletal presentation of some research done on the dynamics of the coming and going of messengers might give some relevant background.

For my own position within the Ascended Master movement see "Beyond Guru Ma: New Challenges; New position"




Copyright © 2001 - G.W. Schüller
